The Galactic Ferderation of Light 2
"it's power outlay was seventh order, but no spikes in the regions i expected," said our quantum super-computer. "quite frankly, i'm perplexed." mark hugged me, and muttered "how did we ever win against that?"
Ecstasy or Oblivion - Session 11
All that we knew were merely group properties of a frothing quantum mess. the laws of the universe were lines drawn between splashes of random dots. the closer we looked at the dots, the more they shifted. the harder it became to draw a line at all.
Two Tails Are Smarter (Than One Dumb Human)
Then he thought back to what he had realized about the quantum transmutation... and came to a somewhat demeaning conclusion. "gosh, did my shoes get put on by someone _super average_?"
Lisa's Bad Fur Day - Part 3
She estimated she was jumping a few years ahead preciously but this was a quantum leap. it began happening shortly after her 13th birthday. she had small growth spurts at first.
Among the Stars Part 1 Revised with a bit of addition
._ "probably not too many hot ones in quantum-mechanics 101 huh, z?" mikee asked. for the second time that day, zain found himself dumfoundedly staring at someone talking to him, having completely missed what was said.
Death Site Chapter 1
"well every bit counts, quantum." for the most part she was right. lots of the good food had been taken from looting passersby evacuating so we had to count our blessings. "true", i said.
Helastar's Biography (Spoilers)
Sometimes she goes overboard; failing to realize that normal arianok dragons can't understand quantum relativity at only 7 weeks old. thankfully, konrad was there to stop her if she went too far.
Lenny Snart's journal
Looks like i'm going to be the hero of central city now. 1, 19, 2020: year and half i fought thawne, turned out ol' barry had a plan to make sure thawne would never come back, him and batman found a way to cut our earth off from the speed force, some quantum
Due to quantum mechanical considerations, particles (electrons, in most cases) in the substance reach a higher energy level and immediately begin to seek stability. these particles quickly release quanta of energy so as to self-stabilise.
RP Game: Kinetic Roulette!
Quantumkinesis...manipulate quantum energy 138. quantakinesis... manipulate quantity 139. radiokinesis...manipulate and generate radiation 140. regokinesis ...manipulate vectors 141. retrokinesis...make living organisms younger 142.
Cumming Together
Through a mix of technology and magic, the pair had gone through a process of quantum entanglement. specifically, their genitals and amygdalas.
The Unsuccessful Revenge, Part 1
With their younger twin brother joseph james, they were an unbeatable duo of semi-professional enthusiasts, into science and technology in quantum physics and superstring theory.