SHIFT TAILS: Sun and Moon
#5 of shift society of heroes investigating fantastic threats threat analysis, information and legend status sun and moon so this is a... sort of in between chapter for the shift stories.
SHIFT 007: Routine Mission
#9 of shift shift mission 007 routine mission shift heroes are dispatched on a completely routine mission. they simply have to defeat a manticore and relocate it to a safe place. nothing out of the ordinary should occur on this mission at all.
SHIFT TAILS: Faerie Courts
After pledging on patreon just fill out the shift sign up form to add your hero to the story!shift sign ups hey there heroes! curious who's up next? curious what form everyone is in? there's a handy tracker for all your shift adventuring needs!
SHIFT 006: Sage Advice
#7 of shift shift mission 006 sage advice having obtained a book that no one can read a group is dispatched to seek out an ancient hermit who can translate it.
SHIFT 008: Cold Bargain
shift mission 008: cold bargain shift mission briefing: we've lost contact with a previous team after they were sent to neutralize a manticore threat.
Chapter 15- Shifted Perspective
As for shifting, i think you should consider that combat shift as another lesson- the greater the shift, the greater the consequences. an unprepared for shift can harm yourself, and if it happens at a bad time can also hurt those around you."
Shifting Lust: Part Two
"look, i can shift here too," myrika chirped, eyes alight as his form shifted again. "even a little change...can be erotic..."
Shifting Lust: Part One
, as he shifted from one flying-type pokemon to another.
SHIFT 009: Eternal Equinox
shift mission 009: eternal equinox mission complete
Wisper Dabble - Night Shift
The bear poured water into his large mouth, rested his feet inside, and sighed happily, messing with the hare's tongue throughout the entire shift.
Demonic Shift - Belphemon TF
His feet kicked against the ground, twisting and growing into heavy, beastly paws, the middle toes merging together into one, all pressure shifting to the balls of his freshly-clawed feet. "hhrrgghhh... these damn rags..."
Blue Shift, Chapter 1
Hadley's eyes widened, shifting back and forth between the woman's face and neck.