Wings of the Warrior: 12
#13 of wings of the warrior the journey continues! after flying northeast for two days, he stopped at a spring to eat the last of the deer he had caught the day before.
Wings of the Warrior: 11
He had actually become rather familiar and comfortable with the tail and wings over the past few days. most of his body he was comfortable with, actually.
Wings of the Warrior: 10
#10 of wings of the warrior things continue! really it was the suicide rate that bothered him. life was so different off earth that 3 in 20 children of aliens offed themselves for some reason. that was terrible!
Wings of the Warrior: 9
#9 of wings of the warrior the next chapter! more information than anything. a bit short. read, vote, comment! sam felt hazy as he started coming back to consciousness. they must have given him some potent drugs if he felt this doped up.
Wings of the Warrior: 8
#8 of wings of the warrior things are beginning to change and its no longer sam also, this is a novel, for anyone interested. the first draft so not a high quality edit. it will be very long! flying was freeing.
Pleasing the Wing Leader
Even if that meant being conscripted into one of their orders and fighting in one of their organized, military wings. not that it was such a bad thing, a wing was like a dragon's family, they all trusted, cared for, and watched out for one another.
'Munkshakes, Or: A Different Kind of Chipmunk Adventure
Then, as if it were a magician unveiling a magic trick, the wings flew open. whoosh!
Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 8
It is likely they have not reached the medical wing either, as we had to abandon three of our own when we ditched the ship. i had the medical bay sealed behind eighteen inch thick solid thymion metal walls.
Short Bit (Will update)
Looking around a little before shifting her knees closer to her and hugged the pair of wings that she wore around her frame, inside the feathered ball she sat and read to herself in the song speak of her people.
It Tis' in Flight!
Extended wings like bats so large--- with tail of length to fit the sight--- razored teeth of mother of pearl--- the tips of which glowed a bluish light! " to arms! to arms! it tis' in flight!
The Falling of an Angel
His arms wrap around my waist, lovingly, and my vision fades, from a white light, to the purest, white wings. he glides me through the air, with the stealth of an eagle.
Short story "Feather"
The same species, the same peculiar trait to have wings.