The Furnace
Down near the furnace, it's warm and womblike, and no one has the keys to this little heaven but me- and i guard them jealously.
Fox Furnace
It's not every day that the petrov family's caretaker offers to help us with the furnace. just don't forget that we've been getting complaints about the heat, so don't stoke the furnace too hard."
Priest of Urabrask
Having been compleated in the closing stages of the war, she came to the furnace on her own accord, guided by the oil.
Furnace of Stars, part 4
#4 of furnace of stars this is the fourth chapter of my scifi epic, in which we continue finding out what exactly is happening on the station.
Furnace of Stars, part 5
#5 of furnace of stars there is violence, hope lost and regained, a last burst of passion before the embrace of metal, and deep dives into the post-human psyche.
Furnace of Stars, part 1
#1 of furnace of stars in the far-flung future, when earth is getting closer and closer to being swallowed by the ever-growing reddening sun, three corporations hatch a plan to allow civilization to survive, albeit in new, robotic bodies.
Furnace of Stars, part 2
#2 of furnace of stars more soon-to-be transhuman adventures in space. romance! sex! drama! it's so fun to write but there's so little interest that it's hard to justify continuing! i hope you enjoy it.
Furnace of Stars, part 3
#3 of furnace of stars surprise! it's not dead. i just needed to split this chapter up, it was getting a little unwieldy and i was getting writer's block. more plot development ahead, and also, our characters lose their other virginities.
When friends are realized
"and so furnace will show you around and answer any questions that you may have. now go and get aquatinted." outside i try to figure out a way to tell him who i am. he interrupts my thoughts. "as mr. staris said, i am furnace.
The dragons were now in gt-24's "belly," which housed the furnace.
Megalopolis - Forging a Soul
The ringing of hammer on metal stills as the hulking bixie inside returns a cooling metal blade to the brightly glowing furnace. "yes master ryuutarou?" the large winged tiger asks without turning his gaze from the eye searing furnace.
Kamoya Information - Kaiju OC
She could lift another kaiju with ease if not for the fact she lacks hands. - high healing factor - kamoya can heal fairly quickly from various kinds of injuries. - furnace belly - kamoya's belly acts as a living furnace, melting down whatever she