Out Goes the Pup, In Comes the Drake
#72 of patreon reward vignettes ninth vignette for basil! in a break from the pattern, this is for a mutual friend of ours, smokey!
Egg Therapy
#60 of transformation and next patreon reward up for hukaulaba flash fiction where someone just needs to take a break from life for a bit so visits an alligator witch to escape from the world.support on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget
Routine Maintenance
#126 of patreon reward vignettes second vignette for fa: ashgar~ , this time with some more cyberpunky characters.
A Flat Coil Curved
#171 of patreon reward vignettes sixth vignette for caudle! he wanted a direct followup to last month's because i teased it out so much~ finally, hershel is ready to give his boyfriend that tail massage.
Longview to Eggs
#155 of patreon reward vignettes sixth vignette for fa: razz ! bit of a sequel to last month's, with kassidy jerking off by fisting his ovipositor cock. it gets a little indulgent but razz okayed it hehe.
Daddy's Forever
#89 of patreon reward vignettes finally getting back to posting. the last few vignettes i posted in my hiatus were causing my wrists to act up.
A Glistening Lift
#98 of patreon reward vignettes this first vignette for ingersoll is similar to some commissions they've gotten from me in the past: a little account of an otherworldly encounter with one of their characters. this time, echo as a desert plains cryptid.
Starry Sea
#95 of patreon reward vignettes vignette for kent fa: womblesfan badger featuring his (when he asked for this vignette) new character orion the seal.
A Romp in the Leaves
#91 of patreon reward vignettes next vignette for fa: saki in november she asked me for an autumnal themed vignette featuring cross fox saki and kreuz in an impressionistic romp together that ended with kreuz having an enhanced rear.
Getting Lost in an Ebook
#129 of patreon reward vignettes eighth vignette for ingersoll, directly continuing from pulling bookwyrms. qaz just can't help himself when he desires someone. thankfully, leseratte seems quite happy to explore a digitial dutchie.
Mods Installed
#150 of patreon reward vignettes twelfth vignette for amuzi?i you spent a long time modding this rpg so you'd have the perfect avatar! time to use it~ contains: second person, isekai kinda?
#165 of patreon reward vignettes seventh vignette for razz! they really liked kassidy's fantasies from the previous one, wanted him to go through with it.