Calling Down the Moon: Prologue
November 7, it was a dreadful birthing but she breathed her first breath at midnight of all hallow. the moment she was born a storm rolled over us and drenched the countryside. i have thus chosen to name her raine.
Virgil: The Last of a Breed
Darkness... That is all it could see, and all it could hear is the steady beating of two heart. Its mind awoke for the first time and memories and knowledge encoded in its genes flooded into its mind. It was one of the swarm... The creature sat there...
The Child (Chapter 1)
She was the princess, this could not be happening to her, she could not birth and keep the demon child. the pains were getting worse, in a matter of hours she would be rid of the dragon curse.
Story of the Untold
In the world of Avernus there were four powers, The Cladmakers sentient beings made of metal and flesh twisted together, they stood tall throughout the centuries never seeming to die. To the North dwarves who used their minds to create new unfounded...
Thrill of the Hunt
Slowly, it began to lumber toward her birthing spot. "gods damn it," she whispered. curse this spawn of hers! she was a hunter! her life was not going to end like this, not because of a damn child.
intertwined. part three
Peko has never believed the vast majority of the resources she's read that say labor tends to intensify and move quickly after the waters break until right now. Holding Fuyuhiko in her arms in the nest while he labors and breathes through his...
A Firefighter to the rescue — 12 — Their second-best Day
As soon as he reached the door to the room, he saw that the birthing was still going. tasida was laying in bed and joy was working in between her legs.
Down on the farm
She came over rubbing the cows head "there there it won't be long before you birth that calf" she said moving down her flank rubbing her fat belly. she did birth a healthy productive calf a month later which earned herself a special visit with the bull.
A New Venture: The End and The Beginning
He didn't think any of them knew about birthing other then the basics!
Gym Owner's Bull Calves
He asks me out after we've fucked for an hour straight, and i tell him i want to wait til after i birth sam's calves. by month 7, i am really big with sam's twin bull calves.
Experimental Fatherhood, Ch. 1
He had a long way to go, even if his heart was singing with joy after the birth of his first son.
Three for the Roadie
He said, though he wasn't prepared for the deluge of birthing fluid that gushed out as the tiger's water finally broke. the first colt squirmed down the birthing canal, being pushed on by contractions and stretching kay hugely.