S1 Ep 41 The Grand Finale

Gaia then was seen unfusing as the swell of magic forced them apart as the nine wolves were glowing their aura colors as the fabled gods of their homeworld appeared before them all 8 representing their kingdoms minus artemis.

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The Return of Red

#2 of robbin red this story, as hinted at in the intro, is a continuation from the stuff of legends and fables, the juggernaut story i wrote a while ago.

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Albion chapter 3

He thought he knew what the fabled sword meant to the folks who'd been born and raised here. and yet - that sword was no longer held by the stone. now, it was free - which meant that everything had changed.

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The Dogs: Litany - Preface

Present writing modestly numbers in a score and a half or so, many things: a masterpiece and a shitpile, delicious and nauseating, reactionary and revolutionary, transphobic and queer-paragon, a piece of propaganda and a collection of lessons disguised as fable

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Creation [Lore Information]

The last and probably most important thing to note is that, alexander selenveen is a direct descendant to the fabled hero malakai selenveen, who pushed back the deconstructors that wanted to destroy creation entirely.

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Studies and Reunions

As a history buff, abilash momeni longed to find that fabled prison and see for himself the secrets that place might hold within. even amongst the countless jedi-built structures out there, that place was nothing what momeni has expected to learn about.

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CFTV Commission Notice

Our scouts discovered that of particular interest to the _punda milia_ is a fabled item they call _"mkuki wa usiku wa manane"_ or - literally translated - _"spear of midnight"_.


Otter's Daily Life- Lucy

Kyle knew when he found it, the fabled g-spot. he knew because lucy screamed and he felt a heavy wetness on his paw and lap. the skunk girl had squirted. she clenched on his cock again and kyle shot off into her, filling his condom.

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The down-full of something pure!

Being long watching over the many woods and forests that were scattered about but as man kind was growing the unicorns watched and cried at the damage they were doing so began the down-full of two of the herds most loved members they went in such of the fabled

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Sabhira's Daughter #16

The fabled guardian stones. it's said each has a power which grants those who invoke it an advantage in their chosen skill. to the warrior is given enhanced prowess in battle. to the mage, enhanced magical ability.

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[Commission] Chapter 1: Rogues assemble at camp for stories

My mouth's getting kinda dry from all this fabling. the kobold slipped from his seat and fell face first to the ground. he drunkenly stumbled towards a crate. -punched in the balls by a badger...

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The Pleasure Cruise

It was a tempting sight, one that attracted more than one crewmember, in search of the fabled regions that it was concealing.

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