His temper flared along with the emerald pendant around his neck. "how is it my fault? we followed the route you told us!"
Deviant Delights #32 - Apotheosis
He was so absorbed in the scroll's details that he only admired the pendant's beauty. nothing else." he waited while zagan lifted the pendant from his chest and examined it fully.
Rising in the Family (Part 2)
He grinned, letting the pendant sway as he continued.
New Necklace (Mia TF/TG)
From strange pendants to bizarre rings. he did always have a fascination with these kind of stores. even if they were well...really tacky. there was one in particular necklace that stuck out to him. one with a black chain and cheese as a pendant.
S’enfuir de Sunny Town
pendant que twilight se faisait soigné, applebloom se réveilla dans un lit de camps. un crépitement de bois en train de brûlé dans une cheminé lui fit dresser les oreilles.
Temps de chien !
Une douleur sourde aux mã¢choires me terrassait pendant quelques instants, je sentais mes dents et toute ma mã¢choire changer je me voyais, langue pendante, une ã©norme langue, pareille ã celle d'un chien.
A Long, Dark Road (Part 1)
Kath eyed the pendant that hung from her bow-hand, weighing her options. should she try and fight, she could most certainly kill him, but he would defiantly return the favour in short order; but if she gave him the pendant...
The Wolf's Ire
"so, about your pendant. you seem pretty interested in it." "i'm less interested in the pendant and more interested in how the haida got it." she dug down into her pockets, fishing out another almost identical pendant.
Lion's Heart - Ch 2
He took the pendant from the wolfkin magus, and slipped it around his neck. tobias nodded. "thank you. i hope we don't need them." chi'lah looked expectant as he brought the pendant closer to tobias, as if waiting for something.
The Cost of Knowledge
Holding the golden pendant up before his eyes, the argonian grinned widely.
The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Eight
He tightened his grip on the vashiil pendant, making gooseflesh rise on his arms from pleasure and revulsion simultaneously. then, taking a deep breath, he drove it into his arm. the pendant's power immediately, eagerly, flowed into his body.
Dark Passenger [Commission]
"oh... your pendant!" roe:s eyes lit up. "of course... i'm so sorry i forgot about it, i was just giving it a polish but i brought it with me to work!" his pendant?! what pendant?