Brendan and Charmander\'s Adventure part1
Then there it was brendan had never seen such a beautiful pokeball.
Origins of Chaya the Shiny Espeon
That is how she spent her life till the pharaoh died, she was than once again trapped in a pokeball and buried along side the pharaoh. a century passed before the pharaohs tomb was discovered, and the explorer found her pokeball.
He growled, handing over the tyranitar pokeball. "sorry, but no." i replied, shaking my head. "that's not the one i want." "well, which one do you want." _i believe he wants the entei_.
Last Night
Ryan said, returning pillows to his pokeball. "you guys should sleep the rest of it off inside your balls as well. return!" bringing elly and vikky back into their pokeballs as well.
Sight of the heart Part IV
He smirks and snatches a pokeball off the table. he examines the emblem on it, "yeah i will take this one." he throws himself into a chair and sits back and spins the pokeball on his index finger absent mindedly.
Request story: The Big Rumble
"i choose you max" terry shouted as he tossed his last pokeball. however the ball stayed closed as he threw it down. nona did the same tossing her pokeball, which exploded into a storm of lightning to reveal her final pokemorph.
Chapter eight
~ no unless i'm in a pokeball, ~ the psychic type added solemnly, ~ i guess that makes you my new master, ~ "i'm sorry but i really don't like being called that, plus i don't have a pokeball with me," the youth replied.
Chapter 1 - Olivine Memories
Draco says, throwing his last pokeball. the pokeball explodes out in a beam of light, and draco's charizard appears with a roar and flame. it then quickly catches on to the poison spores in the air. "a charizard, huh?
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Meteor Falls
However, some of my pokemon emerged from their pokeballs and it was my two kirlia and swablu too.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 16
That is a special pokeball... sealed shut for a reason... and i don't appreciate you trying to force it open.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Olivine Gym and Safari Zone
Bug buzz was super effective and clearly weakened girafarig for me to throw a pokeball. i watched as the pokeball shook once, twice, three times before the catch was confirmed. "girafarig was registered to your pokedex.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Rustboro City
When i grabbed a pokeball ready to begin battling skitty. seeing the pokeball made the skitty run for it, thinking i was playing a game. as such, when i threw the empty pokeball, skitty caught it and thus captured itself.