Dark Night Storm

The woods were quiet as the partial lunar eye peaked from behind silver wisps. The giants with their leafy limbs and branches were filled with Spring's new buds and thus swung heavily by Gods' breath. A romantic setting for bloody survival. ...

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Arcane love (continued part 2)

"I never expected... oh Terra girl, I've missed you so much." He pulled her into a tight hug. "I've missed you too daddy. But really, I've been fine." Terra hugged him back then looked up into his face. "We need to do something to stop this mindless...

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The shifter is groaning and wiggling. ceta keeps on until the shifter tightens up and her orgasm has her clamping down on her fingers. she lightly rubs over the woman and then slides off of her.

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Family History - Ch3

A lot of details about the "shifter containment units" had become public, but by no means all.

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Alias' Adventure - Chapter 24

"a kinfolk of the particular breed can partake in a ritual to become a shifter, however it's forbidden as it not the right kind of shifter.

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Framed part 5

As i walked passed the shifter i clapped it on the shoulder, "just make sure she can still talk." i whispered in its ear.

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Shifters: Chapter 14; A Legendary Intervention

#5 of shifters series \ yay! finally new kai and hope coming your way. hope you all enjoy :) as always- please comment and rate- opinions are always welcome shifters: chapter 14; a legendary intervention kai had no idea where he was.

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Veshra and Netty 2

Netty says, leaning in, resting her tits against the shifter's legs, her mouth mere inches from that tall member "actually, i would," v says, poking netty's thigh with her toe.

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intertwined. part one

They won't die of old age, but can die from extreme illness, being killed by another shifter, or specific rituals done by humans. these days, there is peace in the kuzuryuu household. peko makes sure of that.

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Guardians: Chapter Four

Alyx nodded, "yeah i remember reading that, but i also read that shifters could bear offspring with other shifters if done correctly. how they managed to test it with shifters being so rare i've no clue."

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Shifter, Chapter 5: Testing

#5 of shifter dain is tested, and gets some answers, although some provoke additional questions...

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A Most Dangerous Game (6/10)

I'm surprised that the shifter hasn't done more lycan stuff considering that you are a druid."

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