Commission - The Chieftain's Favour - 5/6
"shall i bring the stoat to you again; inform him he is to lead you to redwall?" "no."
The Lead Crown: Ch 4d, En Passant (Pt 1)
The young ermine woman had never been out of graddin... or even out on the road, for that matter.
Chapter IX: Kindred Spirits
The stoat blushed at having that brought up in front of his friends. justin laughed, "that is awesome, irvy." the stoat smiled in embarrassment at justin.
Chapter X: Reign in Jeopardy
The stoat screeched like a little girl before regaining his composure before snickering friends and relatives.
Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Book 2, Chapter 30
Slowly, it was tallow that spotted the stoat as it entered the field, carrying a small rat in it's muzzle.
Ashanti - The Bonds That Tie
One of the major upsides in fact was my sweet white-furred ermine girl, arianne.
Revelations - Chapter 8: Sharing Secrets
"so you're a sexy stoat?" "yep, i'm your sexy stoat, and you're my sexy kitty." alex smiled, and kissed her again. "i love you, sexy stoat."
What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book II: Chapter 14
The stoat sighed and stood up. "awright then. i'll go find 'em and let 'em know." kurwin watched as the stoat gathered up her stones and started to walk away. as the stoat left, kurwin glared at slipfoot and stood by him.
The Lead Crown: Ch 9.3a, Accountability
The ermine sighed, staring out the window as he focused to ignore the friendly banter being shared between sanmer, roaring-flood, and enarork.
Fling at the Gym: Taking a Risk (erotic eBook teaser)
Though not even adrian could have anticipated the ermine - a stoat with his winter coat of white still lingering about his form - to slink up to him.
Edge of the Night 3
There was no use hiding anything: the half naked bear lay on his back on the bed, the nude stoat straddled him, the ursine dick buried deep within his ass.
The Lead Crown: Ch 5a, What's In a Name? (Pt 2)
The ermine realized that he shouldn't have expected anything less considering what he knew of sanmer, but he still found it off-putting.