Chapter Twenty Two - The Beginning Of Something Wonderful
"wonder what that will be like. an all powerful pichu with the appetite of electra." she laughed. "and imagine if it's male!" she giggled. "i always wondered what the male version of me would be like..."
My Wonderful Little Sister- Crimson Ghosts
I finished washing up and toweled off, wondering where i could get some breakfast around here.
My Wonderful Little Sister- Gathering Storm
I wonder how that happened? once we arrived i checked my bags and then proceeded to security.
Body Mods; The Wonders of Becoming a Rubber Wolf
Disclaimer: I do own the Character Soul Ghostpaw, Other Characters that have names are used with Permission incase I forget to write that explicitly at the top...
Natural Wonder: Chapter 2, End to Restraint
#2 of natural wonder mother copyright hayatoru obaskayoh 2007 a boy moves towards being a man, but much different than most do... natural wonder chapter 2 mother essy smiled gently, gazing into the makeshift mirror.
Natural Wonder: Chapter 1, Fact or Fiction
#1 of natural wonder from stories and rumors to the introduction of a very unique being. natural wonder prelude no one was quite sure where the rumor came from.
My Wonderful Little Sister- Seperate Ways
By now, katie was halfway home and probably wondering what she was going to tell eliza and shelly.
My Wonderful Little Sister: A Date with Death
The scent of blood filled the air, and for a second i wondered if i'd been too rough. "mmmmnnnn, yeaaaah," she sighed. "it's been too long since i felt that."
Tails of the Stars 4 - The Deep Blue Wonder
Walking to the bridge he wondered why he was even here on the great fox and not back at katina again. "slippy...why am i here?" "hmm?"
Wonders of Post Apocolyptia Chapter 6 - The In-Betweener
It's a wonder you haven't completely turned demon." "i just want to leave and forget everything that's happened, that's why i came here." the tiger nodded "you came to visit god?"
Wonders of Post Apocolyptia 5 - Body and Minds
"your wondering who i am, and you notice how much i'm like you and that's because i am you. not saying that being you is anything to brag about, though."
Wonders of Post-Apocolyptia 2 - The Beginning and The End
Four days. Mark has been wandering blindly through the barren hell that was his home for four days now. At first positivity was his main concern. He knew he'd go crazy if he became negative and depressed, but this soon evapourated as the entirety of...