Humanity: The Predecessors, Ch. 1
Humanity: The Predecessors Chapter 1 "Okay class, welcome to HuD, Human Education." The teacher was a wolf in his mid to late thirties. He was tall and lean, with light gray fur, and golden brown eyes. He was dressed in khakis and a polo shirt....
Finding Humanity Chapter 9
A freighter lands on a pad on the planet Nix. The ramp extends down and we see a young Lioness in her late teens in a skintight jumpsuit. She looks behind her and yells. "Hurry up gals we haven't got all day!" Two five year olds rush out first. One...
Encounter with a Human, Pt 6
Aspis sat on his pallet dressed only in his thong. In fact, he liked the thong so much that he had three others in the same style made. He was wearing a red leather thong (jock strap) that accentuated his particular package. He actually loved it, it...
Encounter with a Human, pt 5
"How are you doing sleepy head?" asked the man. Aspis awoke, groaned, and found the heavenly man looking down at him. "What happened?" he asked. "You fainted out there," the man said. "By the way, my name is Dyson. What is yours?" "As--Amos," Aspis...
Encounter with a Human, pt 4
Aspis was twisting and turning in his bed. Dressed only in the thong while he slept, he was gripped with a dream. The dream was terrible. He had his eyes clenched, and his face clenched a face showing disgust. His muscles flexed and became defined in...
Encounter With a Human, pt 3
Check out a medieval village: []( The cart continued through forest until the forest cleared into fields. Many of the fields were being worked by humans in similar clothes to the human that was driving...
Encounter with a Human, pt 2
It was a new day, and Aspis snuck out of his lair and decided to look for the human. He had a lot of questions: why are humans so dangerous to dragons? Why do dragons avoid them? What is it about humans that make them so mysterious? And why does this...
The Last Human: Part Six
_I'm staying off the site blogging for a while, for reasons I'm going to keep for myself, please do not worry, I will be back; I just need to think._ Brandon entered send for what would be the last time in who knew how long. With everything...
The Last Human Part 17
This chapter contains intense, passionate sex and more, please be gentle with the comments. Everyone started to fully understand Raito, they all knew that they have to stay together so everyone bunked at Scrooge's house and there were plenty of rooms...
The Last Human: Part Five
Brandon didn't even put up a blog, everyone knew of what happened, raining down on him of what happened truly and if he was okay. Wearing a patch over his eye until the wound healed, he only stared blankly at the computer monitor before him, his hands...
The Last Human: Part Four
_Wounds healing, but the pain inside of one I used to call friend will never truly heal. Yes I know that he stabbed me a few times, close to three, but still, after his father died my own father asked me to watch out for him. But after I saw what he...
The Last Human: Part three
_My son is away right now, he will be back soon, very soon._ Tundra nearly never left Brandon side, the only time she did leave was when she and he needed food, or the call of nature forced them apart. Norm called on the third day he was called,...