The Legend of Lugia: Act 2 (Edited)
Tom jumped off the airship and flew away to the direction of where to go. lawrence watched him go with a smirk.
Mountain Escapes
Always keep jumping-out-of-airships gear, just for such an occasion." he tried a wry smile.
Alessandra's Journal- part 1
Now as you know, our time has been a time of great advancements, from airships to clockworks that power almost everything we use. well, it's on one of those exquisite airships that my story truly begins.
back tracking
Set the voice of a woman over that microphone, the airship flys through the big portal as it closes behind it "let's go we gotta get them'' ray said as red and tsume looked at each other then back at him "does that mean we get to..."
Tsume said confused as the two looked around realizing that they were no longer on the airship, they saw rey was just finishing off two grim elephants from charging at the evacuation convoy as the military guys gave him backup with gunfire ,the convoy keeps
End of an Era Chapter 4; Battle for Earth part 2. Plus a Sneak peak of Lost in a world of Fantasy
The airship shook with an explosion and his cell tilted. jason watched as his cell door popped opened. "i am not looking a gift horse in the mouth." he said to himself leaving the cell.
Fly to Hell (part 1)
All over the airship there was a bustle of furs working to ready the ship.
To Have chapter 3
The interior of the airship was more crowded than mellisa had been expecting as she squeezed her way towards the cockpit, unable to avoid swaying as the airship rocked a little.
Resistance is Futile
The cruel thing about the wondrous airships is they offer a birds eye view, almost a tactical map of whats going on below.
Sands of the West Chapter 7: Return
He looked up as the shadow of the airship passed over him, and gawked as he watched the vessel slow to a stop.
Airship Down Part 2
_ **airship down** _ _ **part 2** _ by puma concolor a fan ship work for a very talented writer femmpaws _karen is copyrighted by_ femmpaws and used with express permission.
Airship Down PART 1
**airship down** part 1 by puma concolor a fan ship work for a very talented writer femmpaws _karen is copyrighted by_ femmpaws and used with express permission.