The Cub and the Cabin (Work in Progress) Cast
Being a classic opportunist, will steal anything that isn't nailed down. **_the entity known as "he"-_** nobody is really sure on this one. all who encounter it are never heard from again.
Commission from Gruffy - Home for Dinner
Perrin hurried to sit on his haunches, lifting his paws to the classic begging pose while he opened his muzzle and panted loudly, tongue lolling out, tail wagging while he stared adoringly at the seated orca, making the biggest puppy eyes he could muster.
Chapter I - The Book
'pretty classical.' he thought. "can i help you?" said a female voice behind him. dean turned around who was talking. it was the librarian. "welcome to the furlonian library of la'feu city. can i help you with something?"
Demon Castle Digitalpotato - the Latex Spider
"hm... a classic riddle if ever i saw one..." he said to himself, blue eyes scanning the objects as he did so. "as un-threatening as this place has been so far i'd rather be armed" he decided as he picked up the scissors.
Family Life: Happy Holidays
Next to him was a reindeer dressed in the classic outfit with the reigns, bridle, bells, etc. the boy's eyes lit up and ran out hugging them. i moved to the top of the steps seeing the spectacle. "hey ligeron," i smiled and he smiled back.
A Fox Lost In the World - My Version
My last year started with the classic comments from which i broke his leg. i put him in his place once again but this time the teacher interrupted me. well other than that i was concentrating on my studies and mable.
Lines in the sand (commission for Summer Vixen and Maag)
"we were in your place and we started with a classic relaxation routine," she recalled. "and then i believe you were tracing something in my hand... writing words, maybe?" "and how did that feel?" summer asked.
The Pitch
#10 of classics contains: male human to female (literal) tigress (figurative) cougar transformation. a special brand of cigarettes helps a man get the confidence he needs at a fancy dress party, by turning him into an older, confident tigress.
Happy Valentine's Day Have a New Body!
He gave a little sigh and then shrugged in a classic, "what can you do?" expression before he turned his attention back to the computer screen.
The Dark Blog: Submitting a novel
Don't try to tell us how your book is a guaranteed bestseller, a sure furry classic, or that you are the next j.r.r. tolkien (or kyell gold).
Remix: Double Time | by DolphinSanity
Ankles spreading... knees wide, back rising and lowering against the invisible pole while his own pole throbbed with the instrumentation of a sped-up classical track. when he came, he hardly felt the ejaculation as its own event.
Getting into character
"it's a classic though," vincent mentioned. samuel nodded and seemed thoughtful for a second. "hmmm. maybe something classic would be good.