California (Todd)

We just sat there in silence as dexter drives us down the highway. "hey, dexter. how long until we're there?" i ask. i'd ask wendell, but he's too busy snoring. dexter doesn't respond to me. "dex?"

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Chapter Sixteen (Todd)

dexter says. the tiger gets his white t-shirt on and walks to us. tom wraps his arms around him. "ready to go, kitty?" tom rubs dex's back. dexter slips out a small pur. "yeah. let's go." tom closes behind them.

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The Society, CH 28

#28 of the society denton goes through dexter's apartment, and makes an unsettling discovery. please consider supporting me so i can provide more stories.

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Soren ~ Chapter 04

Then, as fast as she could, she hacked into the severs of the company dexter and julie worked at again.

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Industrial Zone Series 2 Episode 4 - Round 4

dexter ran his hand over his head, wriggling uncomfortably in the seat as he waited for the game to begin. "ready, dexter?" alex asked, smiling confidently at him. "yeah."

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Love From A Stranger Part 3

"dexter i'm glad you apoligized, now give the boy a hug. that was really mean." said the female tenticruel. "yes mother, sorry mother." said dexter sounding a little annoyed. dexter hugged barbados and released his tenticals.

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Discovery - Chapter 1, Waddlefish

Then you had abigail parker, dexter's one true love. she had a knowledge and fascination with biology that wouldn't be fully understood, and not for a long time.

Chapter Fifteen (Angie)

How about me and wendell take you and dexter on a double date later?" dexter blushes when todd proposes the idea. tom perks his ears up and smiles. "really? you'll take us out?" tom asks.

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The End and The Beginning - Character Sheet - Rumar Black-Iron

When the grease appears, each creature standing in its area must succeed on a dexterity saving throw or fall prone. a creature that enters the area or ends its turn there must also succeed on a dexterity saving throw or fall prone.

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Stripped Off Tonight - 2022

#5 of commission - dexter and miles (nsfw) dexter and miles belong to yanixter! this story ties down more to 'like soldiers'. the song 'gonna be good tonight' plays in my head whenever i see this title.

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Royal Flush

We started walking in the opposite direction dexter went off in. already i felt degrees less safe. dexter was ridiculously strong, mind you. it might be a hereditary thing, a bull thing. i don't know.

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