An Assassins Tale.. Chapter 1.

Maybe you can find them.. maybe not but i am sure your superiors will be interested in your.. digressions. " i had the pleasure of seeing his eyes widen and his snarl turn to abject horror and fear "what do you want.. money.. gold - i can pay..

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Theo's Assent - Chapter 3 [Comm]

I digress, however. we aren't here to talk logistics of what we are and where we come from, we're here to talk about you, my dear theo." the hair on theo's neck tingled.

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Lost Haven: Aunt Ruth

Announcer went on to explain that in every season one lucky human winner would be able to submit a fantasy robot design, that would be built and entered in the ring with the "combatants" as he called them i didn't quite know what a robot was at that point, but i digress

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The Remaining Ninja, Excluding one

Now that i think of it, after that day my mother said i would never hear the end of how good my cooking was... but i digress... my mother also loved roses, and we had several rose bushes outside of the shop all the time, they were so beautiful.

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Recurring Nightmare

But i digress. you are here because you wanted to kill me and thus you will have to pay for your crimes." he said turning to look at her and grinned evilly, "you see i have bread a race of non-sentient gryphons. intelligent, but non-sentient.

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Dynavwryn (chapter 1 and 2)

Coming to the conclusion that he wasn't her to kill me, i crept out of the bushes and to his feet (i don't know why i approached him, possibly being at such a young age i needed someone to care for me, but i digress).

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Sleeping with the Predator

Anyways, i digress. on with the story of my resurrection. we start in on the little girl, amelia, and the night of her 13th birthday.

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Field Research Entry 1: Losing It

But i digress. i had decided to use this to my advantage. with my intention of discovering the length and breadth of my sexuality, i planned to use this heat period to kickstart, if not sustain my exploration.

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But i digress. "and you are?" fair enough. for all that i'm gay, i'd never seen another guy hard outside of porn, and i hardly think that counts. "besides, you know what a slut she is." i had to stop myself from laughing.

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The Stonehouse Mysteries 1.1 - The Malicious Masquerade

However, as the means by which i gained it also tie into the narrative i shall digress no more. nature or chance had given both myself and my sister a rather slender and art-deco build and figure.

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The Weight: Chapter 11

The wolf only nodded, which caused humphrey to finally digress. "thank you," he thanked aloud. the wolf could not hear him, but understood what he had said and nodded. 'sit tight,' he instructed, 'i'll be back.'

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To Find a Mate

'but i digress. my point is, my darling fyera, is that i won't force you. i will do my best to convince you civilly, and then a few less civilized methods, but nothing painful or psychic.' he said, looking her in the eyes. 'do you wish to mate?'

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