Shadowrun: Shadows of Salt Lake
"we just simply collapse the quantum possibility wave into conscious and pre-determined parameters. what you would call a 'spell' i simply call a creation.
Chapter 2: In flux.
If i had a pair of "i work with quantum physics" undies on right now, i'd be dropping my pants and flashing them at you.
The Patchwork Soldier Part II
They're powered by two experimental quantum tap generators installed in your arms. they utilize quantum wells to arrange electrons into...' "skip the tektalk and tell him what they do."
Ingame Database and Primary Glossary of Definitions
Moving within the otherside requires either drive systems that use quantum interaction to gain leverage (they produce nothing but a spray of exotic particles when active in our universe) or other intrinsic observer-based quantum manipulation.
When rumors turn ugly
Computers to run the ships labs he had planned out, as well as enough storage space with several of the newly designed quantum storage cubes. he also managed to get his hands on a working em drive.
751 Heavy Metals
What they don't realize is that after the quantum field effect device was deployed at kalikshutra, anything that wasn't anchored by enough live observers got rewritten.
The Raven's Shadow: Chapter One
I barely spare a though to wonder once again what it must feel like to be composed of super-fluids and quantum entanglement. the answers they give to the question never make sense to me.
Character for Shadowrun Story: Michael "Mike" Clarke
Mike was present at robert's graduation when robert deckard graduated with his master's degree in applied quantum physics.
35 (DSV Nautica) Realization
A magicka-quantum superprocessor. a computer designed to process the mysteries of the universe at speeds and efficiencies long lost.
When You Fight for Your Dreams: Chapter 13: Moving Forward
"quantum?" "y-yeah?" "you know what, i'll give you another chance, but i'm going to really put your so called "skills" to the test. you got that?" "oh believe me, i won't let you down." "yeah, we'll see.
Love Of The Pack (Part One)
Like all kids he had been fascinated by dinosaurs though he eventually outgrew the childhood obsession and pursued his true passion of quantum mechanics.
Anthropomorphic Biology
These changes are caused by environmental changes, as well quantum ones too, through quantum tunneling that's. over time, species will adapt to their environment, better suiting it for its survival. now the cruelest part of biology, natural selection.