Hypnovember 2022 #7 - Re-Installation of the Soul
A radioactivity symbol - a circle with three cones radiating out from it in triangular points - was emblazoned on her chest, just above her ample breasts. a warning and a calling card for her abilities.
Wastelands-Chapter 34-The Greenvile Dead Zone-Part 3-The City Of Death
Up here, at the top, above the radioactive storms of greenvile, the entire milky way was visible. confirming there was no radiation, i unsealed my suit and pulled the mask off.
Radioactive Toy (or The Post-Apocalypse Pygmalion) Part 3
The day's travel was much as before. Travelling in the cooler air then as the day drew to midday, it became unfeasibly hot. There was no shelter but that of a crevice where the road had buckled so much it resembled a cliff. Under its brief shade, he...
Radioactive Toy (or The Post-Apocalypse Pygmalion) Part 2
It was a town, but not as he'd thought of it. Several buildings constructed of wood were loosely in a sprawling grid. It was clear they'd been looked after but abandoned and upon closer inspection, he saw why. At one point a tributary river...
Ham & Eggs Fire (A1, B10, C2)
"and can't he change the lifespan of radioactive materials? i mean, he can make it so that radioactive objects lose their energy and become inert, right?" "yeah. remember when you met him at the power plant in maryland?
Wastelands-Chapter 35- The Greenville Dead Zone Part 4-Ghosts & Rhinos
Aside from being mildly radioactive, the 11vc42 hazardous location suit i was wearing was more than enough to keep what they were spitting at me off my skin.
Walls: Reboot 11 - The Lock and Key
"positive pressure within the suit will keep radioactive nucleotides out, not that there's a lot of them in here," i said.
BX-132 Chapter 6
" preliminary scans for radioactive trace elements were negative in pre and postmortem blood draws. the first incision shall be made from sternum to pubis..." he said picking up a scalpel and starting his incision.
Old Home, Part 2
Then, pausing, it sniffed the air with its wilted, skeletal nose-holes--turned its bald head neil's way, and let out an airy, spittle-filled hiss, eye sockets glowing an angry gold--not eyeballs, just empty sockets filled with piercing radioactive light--
Void Incursions Prelude: Part 2
Just as he was coming out of the other side of the field, his sensors topped out as a massive radioactive explosion took place behind him, exactly on top of his fleet.
The evolution of pokémon
The other known extinction has a radioactive decay of uranium 235 and an unknown element with a weight of 244. the population drop was inconsistent as if a war occurred. many species of pokémon were wiped out around 8000 years ago.
Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia - Foreword
Those that survived did so by hiding in stables, reinforced underground shelters that would protect them from the harsh world outside that had become nothing more than a radioactive wasteland.