The Starling Master

He knows each bird's history: the little triumphs, little wars, the stormy hymns their choir outpours, the dizzy height each fears, and soars, and cries aloud to see, cries out most endlessly.

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The Pet

But the stormy sea does not relent. he is rocked to and fro as the thrashing waves of flurries and emotions overcome him. his body tires as he tries to weather out the storm.

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A Series of Moments 2

#2 of darkwing duck fics _ **chapter 2: a stormy surprise** _ 'ugh, i hate rain,' elmo grumbled as he unlocked his apartment door and stepped inside.

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Facing the Storm: Ending

As your own, bovine manhood begins to rise, you slip under the covers with him and tell the eager boy that it's his turn to take care of you during a stormy night. the bunny has not protest.

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The Abyss ~ (***an unfinished story*** see description)

It was a cold stormy night. water poured from the sky as if the earth was mourning the great loss of a lover. one would hardly be able to stand under the thick droplets of water, even with an umbrella. they pelt you like the stones thrown long ago.

Pump Up The Jams 2 - PUMP HARDER

As if on queue, the massive ceiling doors split and began to yawn open, revealing the stormy night to all below.

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PMD The Warriors of Light: Chapter One

._ dark stormy clouds colored grey swarm the area covering the surrounding of the lake and forest causing a sudden negative atmosphere the area becomes gloomy and becomes an unpleasant sight, wind blowing quite fast.

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League of Assassins

I will try and continue this story when i can** " april 14th 1912, it was a dark and stormy night. thousands of people freezed to death in the stinging cold on that day. slowly and painfully they were turned to ice. why, why wasn't it me.

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Third Date

stormy's ears flicked. she gave him an almost apologetic smile. "well, here's the thing," she said.

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Rise of Tel'ranis - Prologue

#1 of rise of tel'ranis prologue of a new story series in collaberation with leostarkiller over on da hope you enjoy the show **rise of tel'ranis prologue** it was a stormy springs evening outside yorkhill children's infirmary, a young baby laid

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Mew-World: Proluoge

One day, many years later, it was stormy out, and they had left the previous town a few hours ago. they came across a cave in the woods, where they made shelter, but jackson could not sleep, for he had the strangest sense of foreboding.

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Atonia the demon-loli (Description)

It's a dark and stormy night. the thunder outside becomes louder with each blast of lightning and a crackling spear of plasma strikes just outside your window. the entire room is briefly illuminated and something is left behind when the light retreats.

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