Commission: Twisted Summons

The most successful of her summons was a demon that she called her assistant but the pathetic wretch was still nothing compared to a proper creature from another world. even ravenna had more power than that supposed success of hers.

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Dust, Blood, and Fur (Teaser)

One attack was even successful in destroying a satellite center. the rebels were quickly gaining ground.

Awakening - Chapter One - A Story for Corvincorax

Number 3984, is the first successful hybridisation to survive. it is a cervine taur, from the waist down, she has the body of a feral whitetail doe, from the waist up, she had the body of an anthropomorphic doe.

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Zion - Light of the New Moon (Pre-Start 2/3)

Complexity: 3 success: willpower, favor, treasure failure: luck, favor story seeds: - mist, + new moon, + wild modifier: reader contribution (a challenge will be posed to contributing readers-- if successful

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Subject 143

Subject 143 is a success, she's useful.

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Forward unto Dawn 2

My plan was coming along, for years it had, for years it was a success, for i regretted these words for what happened today.

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Case File: 001

Salvage carrier operations critical to success of studies inside of therasphetamine. not enough clinical data to ensure success of therasphetamine, or establish effective dosage rates.

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Ultimate Furry Crossover - An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 5

She has a base 40% chance of success (since she's fighting to escape only, not to win - that would be much harder), and must succeed three times in order to escape successfully, all at the same chance of success.

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CE04 - monsters

It was not widely successful.

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Tactical Alliance of Intergalactic Life

Reproduction success is heavily determined by the species' similarities, so less common similar species interbreeding have a significant less chance to produce offspring successfully.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 1.1 Myrh

If their magic is successful the copse of biteleaf will be destroyed and the party will receive full bonuses for completing the event arc. success 4) conserve resources and leave the foragers to their fate. the event arc is considered failed.

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Dust Shorts: First Hunt

Her first successful hunt, and it was worth the patience and effort. dust swelled with **_a sense of pride and accomplishment_** over her success, devouring an entire deer's worth of meat as quickly as she could.

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