#6 of thursdays this started out as a bit of stream-of-consciousness randomness that eventually took form and became what it is. somewhat inspired by the thursday prompt for 27th march, 2014, so categorised as such.
Hibana and Jasmine - Fire
She knew it was thursday, but she still wanted to sleep in. her body refused to let her wake up, despite her mind not wanting her to miss her class. she only had one class on thursdays, yet it had to be early in the morning...
Ayame's Chronicles- Contact!
thursday had finally arrived! yes, nothing better than a thursday. nothing to look forward to but the relaxing freedom of a friday and the glorious weekend that followed it!
Adira Clawhauser Chapter 10
He'll be yours for tuesday, thursday and saturday and i'll take him to stamina training for the rest except sunday.' adira said thoughtfully. 'he... he'll be mine?' mansa was shocked. 'i never thought you'd be the type to joke, mansa.'
That Vicious Dwagon
An ooooold story I've created to try some new vocabulary. I hope it's still readable enough though~ * * * Such a time-absorbing era had transpired upon the little red-and-yellow, relatively minuscule member of dragon species! Evidence was speaking...
"Solving" - Thursday Prompt 20/04/23
This story went up a little while ago on my fa, it was written for the 20/04/23 thursday prompt ( so follow kuveli as he wracks his brain around a surely insurmountable challenge!
Lovers Sonata
2107hrs, 11 february 2010, thursday there was a small commotion by the side of the stage near dimitri.
Locker Room Bullies, Beware This Bear
I mean, i suck cock every thursday in the upstairs boy's bathroom, not even for money...not like anyone knew it was me, anyway.
References and Preferences
See you on **thursday** for the next chapter! cheerio!
Security Staff
'let's just say you'll find out thursday'. at 5'o clock on thursday frank and joe changed shifts with the other guards. they exchanged greetings and talked for a few minutes before they were left to start their shift.
First Impressions
N-next thursday?" ekard grinned widely and leaned over to nearly bump noses with ach. "see you next thursday then."
Daddy Issues Part 2
thursday. jessy loved thursdays in highschool and uni. thursdays all the fan translated manga would update, illustrating just what an irredeemable nerd he was. and it was just one day away from friday.