The Grandmaster of Sarthas - Chapter 20

I am trying to get her away from looking at me as the be-all end-all male." he said. alhundro chuckled. "good luck with that my friend." he said.

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Wolf E. - Prologue and Chapter 1

After all, even one teenager can be a handful, but there are exactly five of us, making it five times the trouble. or maybe ten times, because we're all males...? oh, and did i mention that we're wolves? yah, that's right. wolves. five teenage wolves.

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all for one -chapter 4

His eyes were naïve and lost as all men who faced death. for a moment, richard questioned what he was doing. the hyena's eyes looked like a child's. then the wolf's eyes rested on the girl and he knew what he had to do. "go on home."

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The Curse of Immortality

This desert which all men despise and only the most resilient animals live in will be inhabited by them and they will turn this desert into a farmland," the many-eyed being said to the lion.

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A new life: Chapter 2

Even there numbers are few they had become much more dangerous and the king ordered that all men available should take up arms to fight them.

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Where Little Tentacle Monsters Come From

"only the start, yes," yavin gestured at the small menagerie of animals, of all sizes and all male, which he had with great difficulty brought with him to this remote place.

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An Ordinary Day - Chapter 5: Yaoists, Fear Them

"i probably should have warned you that they love yaoi and having an all male couple in front of them is making them fangirl." "great, we have our very own fan club."

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Fun at the Old Chateau

Twilight licks his lips at the thought of an all male orgy, "that sounds like an perfect idea."

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Lance's Cock Vore

Although not voyars, they were all toned and jacked and their packages were all concealed behind the thongs all male slaves were required to wear.

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428 Collecting Silphium

As all men know, who have not spent their lives asleep, just inland of the main port in that place are the fertile grounds of israsa, known as the gardens of hespirides and syrtis, and beyond that is the great fountain of apollo, where the greek battus and

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Spending all night in an all-male orgy - he licked his lips, remembering the hot kisses, the cocks, big and small he greedily drained. the balls and asses his paws gripped.

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Quicky in the Closet

, so why are they all male?" winter pressed harder against the door, wincing slightly as he spoke."maybe cuz" davan smiled, a large smirk plastering on his face as he spoke again, his body pressing now so close to winters small frame.

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