The Last Human Part 16
Everyone was shocked at the fact the man they unmasked was another human when they all thought Raito was the only human left of his kind. The other human was waking up and they all knew he had many things to tell them. "I say we give him a good...
The Last Human Part 15
It had been hours since Raito had took off to find the arsonist who set the building in Duckberg on fire. Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby and Doofus searched for him at the location the police officer had said and a team of police went with them, they...
The Last Human: Part one
_Have you ever felt the feeling that you never truly belonged in your family; the feeling that you stood out like a sore thumb to everyone around you, or the feeling that no matter what you did, you would always feel out of place? If you answered yes...
Finding Humanity Chapter 8
The next morning Esrie meets Trixi in her room. The only difference between Esrie's and Trixi's room is the missing second cot and the addition of fur care products. Trixi was just getting up rubbing her organic eye and yawning. "Hard time sleeping?"...
The Last Human Part 14
A whole week went on and Raito's days at school turned out to be the funnest time he's had in years, he's made friends at school, tutored kids that were struggling with a class or two, amazed many teachers at how useful he was for assisting the...
Grateful Hitchhiker -human version-
Rain. It roared around her, thundering and hammering on all surfaces, the wind biting her through the damp blue jacket clinging to her green body. The young theropod girl ran along the sidewalk, panting heavily and wishing things had worked out. No...
Dover: Layer 2: Humans.
Yeah, its me again, Dover. Today I am having a bad day. I have to take medicines to suppress my immune system, I guess my White Blood Cells are a gourmet because they get upset when I eat particular things they don't like. This also means I cannot...
Encounter with a Human, Part 1
**Gifted according to a** **Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike Unported License 3.0.** This story is inspired by Syrinoth's series of drawings titled _Human Wizard and Forest Dragon_. But not directly based on them. Moongleam Lake. A...
The Last Human Part 13
This chapter contains brief mature content so please be gentle on this chapter. Raito's first school day in Duckberg was incredible, he managed to impress a lot of people about what he knows, what he's done when he traveled parts of the world, told...
The Last Human Part 12
After a few lessons in a class or two, it was recess and the kids at school were playing outside. Raito was watching the kids play outside while he was sitting on a bench. He didn't know any of the kids and the kids he was with were playing a little...
The Last Human Part 11
It was Monday morning and it seems that Raito the first to be awake, it took him a while to get ready and he had plenty of time since he woke up at 6:30 in the morning, he showered, brushed and flossed his teeth, got dressed and combed and brushed his...
Humanity's fall - Demons and Angels.rtf
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1030\f0\fs20 Humanity's fall - Demons and Angels\par By Morten B. Petersen\par \par \par When i woke up I felt...