Big Kid Games
"just you and me meg, i can only ask you behave so we don't have to get another babysitter" he told her, "i won't, i like playing with you jake" she said, she wanted jake to want to play with her all the time and not a babysitter and tonight he was the only
A Trick of the Tail
_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _..._ Ether continued to clean up around his house as he prepared for his...
The Secret Origin of Bob
Dinner finally done, the babysitter looks down at the boy. "well it's bed time soon slugger, but i don't think i can risk putting you in bed like that."
Did he hurt you? Part 3
Logan squeaked, and smiled a little at the black eye of the lens, pushing back against his babysitter so he wouldn't fall.
Boys Will Be Boys
And why are you babysitting?" "aw, you never ask a girl her age...artem?" cathy asked. fenris laughed and pointed at his ear, "right, right, fenris.
Ch. 4: Up and Around
#4 of diaper dragon daddy a babysitter? what kind of mess has peter got himself into this time? how could it get any worse? who knows, maybe a little trip to the park would make him feel better.
Evan's bittersweet summer
After dinner evan confessed his worries about babysitting to his parents who agreed that he could handle most things but could teach him a few adult skills early.
Good Boy: (1) Babysitter to Doggysitter
#1 of good boy the young teenager, skylar, finds himself in a precarious situation while babysitting.
Whoa didn't see this Coming part 2
Not a whole surprise that his parents wouldn't trust him alone so they send him a babysitter "well come in anyway" johnny said trying to hide the fact his crush is in his house and his parents send him a babysitter.
Tales of taliber
Another student on a step stool had dropped a book 'the babysitter's club'. "oh i'm so sorry," the young vixen said to him. "you see i'm starting a babysitting job and wanted to study up."
Meet Miss Sonata
The hypnotic babysitter felt an aroused fluttering in her tummy as she watched a mindless smile spread across his lips. "deep trance. so easy to obey miss sonata, isn't it?"
a tail of magic and mystery chapter 5
"when is the babysitter going to get here." "he's not, you are going to the babysitter. he lives in washington d.c. at the white house. you two are going to stay there." "really, daddy." "yes, really.