Little Brother's Bitch
I love being your bitch, your uke! i belong to you and no one else! i love every moment of being your bitch! even if you treat me bad, i still want only you to fuck me!
Catholic Bitch: On A Break
He hammered his bitch, emm completely gone from his mind. there was only buffy now, and her burning heat was waiting just beyond his inexpert thrusts for him to quench her need.
Bought by the Bitch 1
Bought by the bitch for sinister by draconicon the day had come. tesla stood at the front door of her house, staring at the delivery truck that was even now pulling her crate down from the back.
Brigands' Bitch [Commission]
Not that this band seemed to care about privacy when it came to using the camp's bitch. "see slut?
A Bitch On Hooves [Commission]
So quit your bitching..." the huge dog said, ironically since he was asking the young stallion to act like his bitch.
Bought by the Bitch 4
Bought by the bitch part 4 for sinister by draconicon so far, tesla was rather well-satisfied with the cats that she'd gotten as slaves.
Bought by the Bitch 3
Bought by the bitch part 3 for sinister by draconicon tesla liked the idea of having two cats in her house, particularly with how the first one was working out so well.
Becoming a Puppy Bitch
Show me what you do to that whiny little bitch when no one else is around."
Balto, Steele's Bitch
He leaned forward to whisper in balto's ear, "get ready, bitch; i'm going to give you exactly what you want."
Waking Is a Bitch (CANCELLED!)
Waking is a bitch everything wasn't black. rather, there was a complete lack of anything. that experience lasted only a sliver of a second. captured felt his heart beat.
Cyber Wolf's Bitches
"no no, bitch...while you are proving that you are willing to be my bitch i must hear you say it. now are you going to be my bitch and only my bitch?" "yes, master."
A Good Bitch For Daddy
Daddy always had lots of cum for his bitch, and i loved him for it!