Cooling the Desert’s Desire
The grasslands weren't as bad as the true desert, but this time of year found them dry and inhospitable.
Desert Wind: 1.2
The air was chilled and slightly moist, such a contrast to the desert air knoll was so used to that he had felt the need to run a warm bath. he'd taken three baths today.
Desert Wind: 1.1
Next to the native cacti and shrubbery of oken's great desert were fruit trees and flowers. they even had fountains that gurgled and splashed so that a cooling mist filled the courtyard and combated the heat of the desert sun.
Commission: Heart in the Desert
Through his travel into the desert nalin had found himself in a bit of a dangerous situation.
A Flare for Adventure!
Almost immediately, an orchestra of smells and sounds clamoured at her senses, distractingly so after three weeks of solitude in the desert.
The Wastes- Chapter 6: New Problems, Old Friends
Nicholson caught him before he fell, and the boy was righting himself and staring downrange as the report was still echoing across the desert.
Under The Blazing Sun (Chapter 1)
He fell to his knees, feeling the smooth desert sand in between his fingers. he coughed a couple of times, which hurt his throat because of how dry it was.
Chapter 1 unexpected encounter
"sorry" he said as once the wound was seal he said "there good as new" he got back in the drivers seat and started up the xandua and drove off down the long stretch of desert rode. "so whats your name?" damon asked. "what?"
Going West
Home to many of the cat people of the west and crown jewel of the settled people of the red desert.
Warm Sands 4.5 (ger. Vers.)
_Falls dies die erste Geschichte dieser Serie ist, den Du findest - die anderen Teile sind NSFW. Dieser hier wird ausnahmsweise SFW sein, da ein wenig Lore nötig war._ _Nach drei Jahren Krieg wird der Drachenprinz Kheru in das Königreich der Fenneks...
._ the desert heat rippled the bare landscape, making the sandy terrain waver like an oven.
Money : Prologue
* * * from a distance, only a faint roar and a trail of sandy-brown dirt betrayed that anything out of the ordinary was plowing through the beaten desert road.