Reborn of Enamel
Before the clenching walls could force his fist out, he reached over and grabbed the bottle.
Flagging Red
"you just wanted my fist inside you, didn't you pup?"
Hunger and Hubris: Another Type of Feeding
So, of course, she added another fist.
New Lives at Sea Chapter 02
She even went so far as to fist herself and tug her vulva to the side, gaping herself all the way to her descending cervix.
[QC-046] Another Scientific Journey
Her balled up fist pumped into ceylon's pussy like an eager stallion would as she used her other hand to gently caress and tickle the gryph's furred haunches. "see? not so hard!" ceylon encouraged as she stepped back into the eager fist.
Double Crossed Duty
The bulge of his double thick fist had tied her good, and she was still spewing combined cum and her own creamy fluid.
Mark's Training
Pressing hard against the dog's groin jeremy pulled his arm out, his hand popping out of his bladder, stopping only when his fist was teasing the inside of mark's knot again.
Flip 1: Jacob
Jacob starts thrusting in and out of your ass, fucking you nice and hard with his balled fist. he puts his other hand around as much of your hind cock as he can reach and starts stroking in time with his thrusts, ready to milk you of your load.
Putting Away The Groceries (1/2)
The four of the rhino's fingers were just bigger than art's own fist. he could fist himself with a bit of effort and a lot of lube, so this wasn't an impossible challenge.
Chapter Two - The Brothers Gael
#2 of fistful of credits an old sci-fi novel i had been writing many years ago. all characters presented within are © me. please do not repost or redistribute.
Two Weeks - 12 A New Direction
Water riveted down Mark's vibrant scales. Each droplet caught the rays of the distant blue star in the sky, and formed a bead of light against a swirling red and orange hued backdrop of freshly exposed wyvernhide. The former fox felt lighter than he...
The Bad Sport... Konu needs a sparing pardner and a certain big overly proud and confident stallion steps in...
"if you're going to fight with your fists, i doubt you'll need that." he circled the big horse, light on his long-clawed toes, his paws open and ready.