On the Rim, Ch 51: Beta
The next time the research station transmitted, it was on a channel that the group under the hill could receive.
The Glowing Chapter 4
[g37] [g38] [g39] [g40] old austin walks down the hill to the spot that his younger-self sits, austin takes a set on the hill beside young phil.
Second Encounter
I crept back up the hill and peeked over, only to find myself nose-to-nose with my sister. she eeped in surprise, then pushed me back, causing me to roll awkwardly down the hill, and walked down the hill after me.
Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Thirty Two
I would climb that freaking hill by myself, and i'd do it-- i slipped again and went sliding all the way to the bottom of the hill. with one last painful somersault, i found myself back in the center of the ring. _no, no, no, no!
Blood, Sweat, and Diesel: Chapter 4
He drew a saber from his belt, and pointed it towards the hills. "look yonder, sons of balfor! just over those hills, there lies the enemy!" i looked in the direction he pointed.
Chapter 2. Exploring his secret
They tracked up into the hills for a couple of miles, before losing the trace where it crossed a road.
The Merrin, Part 14
Left alone, key heads back down the hill to wait for night.
All's Well That Ends Well
He started leisurely walking towards a barren hill, whistling and swinging the bucket back and forth as he did so. on top of the hill was a brick well that provided water for them during dry spells.
As he turned to see a long line of police cars making their way up the hill, brom in a desperate move began to push the heavy aston martin, in hopes it would crest the hill and he could coast down across the italian border.
Ander - Part 2: Subchapter 10
Ander started to make his way up the hill, but kiana grabbed a fistful of his vest. "hey, whoa! where are you going?"
Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 10
Ander started to make his way up the hill, but kiana grabbed a fistful of his vest. "hey, whoa! where are you going?"
He Came From Nowhere
It was out at winkleman dome, a hill filled area out the middle of nowhere. a sundance was taking place. a sundance is where natives go to get their "medicine", so to speak.