Companions Chapter 00: Preface
I hesitate to bring up this next item because it tends to confuse people, but it is useful to note where the novella boundaries are, since this provides a convenient stopping point in which one may put down the saga for the night.
Hero's undoing...
You know you've played to much skyrim when joining the bards college makes you write a saga of your characters fantasy undoing... i just woke up in the middle of the night and it came to me...
[Request] Unbreakable
. :) this one seemed like a great opportunity for a little homage to poiu's dragon slaying, aka the original indestructible ballpopping saga.
Book of Particles: Silver Stream Memory 10
I gleaned some of the more personal details from these sagas and left more of the fictional story content. i call them memories. posted using postybirb "come here," i said to cardia, motioning with my head. "i know. please don't..."
Reaper: Hades - Snakebite
#3 of reaper:hades in the tradition of the reaper saga, here is a little 'mini interlude' to delve into some characters that may not have the screen time they deserve.
The Stray Cat, Ch. 1
#1 of the stray cat saga the first chapter of the backstory of my fursona, written close to two years ago. some of the chapters are a bit short (this one especially), but loaded with action. enjoy!
Nezoroth Chapter 1
#2 of nezoroth's saga authors note: hello all. thought i would post this and see what you thought. while not completely inexperienced, i am rather new, and would appreciat any advice that you could give me.
Codex Lupine: Prefaec: Vol #1 of Steam and Fur
This is volume #1 preface of codex lupine the first book in my 'of steam and fur" saga.
Kingdom Hearts III Imagined Final Confrontation
Anyway, in honor of the release of kingdom hearts ii.5 hd remix, i present my own interpretation of how i think the xehanort saga will come to a close, after this third party is removed, and xehanort is again reduced to just a sad, old man, whose
Information War: Chapter 1
#2 of the le fantome saga to continue on from le fantome, the spy comes to a city where he meets one of his contacts within the poor section.
The UmbreGlace Experience: Chapter 3
#3 of umbreglace experience third addition on my deviantart pokeumans saga all characters (c) wetumbreon2695 aka me pokeumans (c) pokemonmanic3595 as i spent some time in room 269, i got to know tyler and jast better.
Hunting Death- Prologue
#1 of hunting death this is an interesting enough story concept in that this is almost more of the character writing the story than me writing it for them and then plot-wise expanded into a very long saga.