Jurash "goju" Sulfam (French version)

Son caractère introvertie en a longtemps fait un incompris dans un village ou tous les enfants se connaissaient et où sa tendance à préférer la tranquillité et la solitude d'une partie de "command and conquer" ou d'un script bash (oui, c'est légèrement un

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Jurash "goju" Sulfam

His introverted character has long makes him an misunderstood in a village where all children knew and where his tendency to prefer the tranquility and solitude of a part of "command and conquer" or a bash script (yes, it a geek) has often been interpreted

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Life is Heavy

Even when the public is not scoffing at me, they are, and it is not fair, because i just want to be left in solitude, away, my thoughts, and plans, have nothing to do with you. cast pearls before swine, i always say.

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Iditarod..Maverick style..

I enjoy the solitude of training, but after four long months out here, its easy to miss companionship, especially all the young beautiful females around my stomping gounds of anchorage, but, at the same time, its kind of nice not having the constant

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Interview wth a Soldier

The worst thing for a chakat is solitude. i was alone because of one simple reason. wargs. they killed everyone in my village one night, and there were not many of us. i was a baby, and managed to hide. i learned to fend for myself early on.

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Interview wth a Soldier

The worst thing for a chakat is solitude. i was alone because of one simple reason. wargs. they killed everyone in my village one night, and there were not many of us. i was a baby, and managed to hide. i learned to fend for myself early on.

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I'd sell my soul for courage; to not wither and melt from the populace and cringe in solitude, lest attention be brought upon me and i should be forced to interact with humanity.

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The Traveling Chronicles of Twix: Ch1. Island of Furs :Not finished

The creatures here have lived in complete solitude since the first beings crawled from the ocean. they have developed a rich culture, but lack many means to make the technology humans have. this has not slowed their progress however.

"1 - Oceans."

It gives me solitude, it gives me peace, it tells me that it's ok to be where you are, that things are meant to be different, that things are no better than the ever.



"but truth to be told, i'v never had the stomach to stand by and let anyone suffer from solitude for too long. and yours is a textbook case of too long case of solitude life." michael wrapped his paws around aaron's waist.

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Rocky Mountain Way: Part 2 Rockin' me baby

For one, there's the solitude; nothing but peace and quiet for miles around. the down-side is that solitude can be boring and samantha soon found that out. they had vegetated in front of the tv all day and without thinking of food or of the snow.

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And the Greatest of These

**the fox and the dragon** _by \_seht_ **three** _"and the greatest of these"_ i took to solitude again.

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