The Order's Decision
Soon arrived the members of the council, all of them using something with the symbol.
Adventures of Abermath - Prologue: The world of Abermath
They symbol is a green wing due to their first king, aleph, the green. the main city, gradon, covers the whole top of the highest mountain, so it can only be accessed through air.
heartless in the pridlands
That symbol of the heartless...did it look like this?" the snake opened his mouth wide, revealing the green heart symbol of a heartless, hidden away at the roof of shaka's mouth.
Chapter 3 - Memories Both Lost and Forgotten
It was filled with different kind of symbols but soon straightened out into a symbol that expressed the kanis fathelom, a clock surrounded with many feathers shaped into wings.
Ranoria: As Fates Collide
When mira pictured the symbol in her mind and then tried to illustrate the symbol, what happened baffled her. no matter how hard mira tried, every time she went to illustrate the symbol, it was as if the memory of it vanished from her mind.
Kedja Resor -- Prologue -- Walking the Path of Chains.
It was accompanied by a male symbol and a female symbol. 'bisexual'. it was paired with a triad of two male symbols, two female symbols, and a pairing of one male and one female symbol. 'homosexual'.
A Magical Evening
_lucious's mark had the form of the male symbol. it looked like a scar that could be seen both on his chest and on his back, as if he had been stabbed with the symbol through.
Mortality Chapter 12
That, and an odd cross shaped symbol was sewn against the torso of the figure's coat in black. similar symbols were sewn onto his arms.
Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 2
She saw the bright glow from her tummy symbol. "there you go," sage heart smiled and lit up his own tummy symbol, "now just squeeze it out and, whoa!" the beam of light shot out from his symbol, knocking him to his rear again.
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 17
Zardes then took a seat beside ammon and said, "(ammon, tell me about the symbols)." "(what...symbols?)" replied ammon deliriously. this surprised zardes.
"the people with that strange symbol on their clothes. they took uxie away." i explained, a little more comfortable. i had reached momma buizel. she hugged me closely and asked, "what did the symbol look like? can you draw it out for me?"
Asterion Academy Character Sheet 1
A simple leather brace, a pair of black boots with symbols on the tops, and a baseball cap.