The Digimon Wars Rewrite Chapter 1
Ps: i made the digimon wars before digimon xros wars was even announced.
Gatomon's Darkest Decent
digimon which sometimes being a slap to the face or another method.
The Twelve Talismans - Chapter 0.5 - Wine and Womon
The french digimon panted in exhaustion. doing two digimon at once was far more tiring than she'd expected. "yeah..."
The Vee Diaper Experiment
The moth finally left, his digimon friend looking around happily. "now that the moth is out, the digimon can play!"
The Digimon Wars Chapter 6 The Battle Begins
The flying digimon started firing, michael and katie started raining down destruction. there were explosion everyehere across the battlefield, digimon started to disappear? [is that how digimon die?]
Kitsuyamon-The Return Chpt 1
Not a digimon, so he can't come back." "who was human? kitsuyamon sounds like a digimon name not a boys." henry replied. "it's true that tom was human. but he wanted so much to be a digimon. he wanted to remain here...with me.
Chapter 9: Digi-Chaos Part 2
Disclaimer: i don't own digimon, neither toei and such, they are the creators of this show called digimon, i'm using their characters from digimon adventure 02, and i do not plan to get any money gaining whatsoever from this.
Digimon: about time we met
Princess tsume" (digimon princess?)
Zodiac - Chapter 9 - Aquarius:Let the Sparks Fly
digimon had some odd breeding habits. any digimon could theoretically breed with any other digimon, though they bred so slowly they were considered all but infertile. when the rare event happened, the female would bring the egg here, to primary village.
F.R.E.Z Chapter 8.1 The outbreak part 3
I have felt the presence of a digimon essence of." reon: "you mean that new is a digimon" reon surprised. kira: "no. this essence is female and seemingly very strong. i even think she felt my presence."
Gomamon's Treat
After all, how could he say no to such a cute digimon? "okay, sure!" said joe, sitting back down and turning to face his digimon. "i'll feed them to you!" he reached down and gave gomamon a pat on the head.
An End to the Loneliness
"you have let me achieve the true ultimate form of a digimon, that of having a sex of my own. now that i have one, we can bond in the deepest way that digimon and trainer possibly can. closer even than our former merging."