ricky and michael chapter 1
To kill them you dont look like your happy about it."
The Lab
This is the first time i've written something that wasnt going to be a series or two parter also this contains vore suffocation and micro so if you dont like these things dont read but if you do please tell me how i did for a first time vore suffocation thing
I see you are new to this but if you dont want to post pics thats cool too**. pete blushed. **pete : ...is it that obvious i dont know what im doing?** **adam t: not too obvious, but you dont have a profile pic and your age says 18.
Lost Fun-Chapter 1
I dont own pokemon! i dont wanna get into the whole 'female pikachu do/dont have heart shape tails' argument just read and rate ok? sparkle was your average pikachu. exept she was a shiny!
alpha shadow wolf part 1!
Your about to die if you dont give up now!" the dolphin knowing that alpha was right and she fell to her knees as guards walked in and knocked her out with in seconds. "so jared?"
Reaper's story
"well when you dont get drunk, you try to get drunk" reaper said. "wait what?" sabrina asked. "nothing just i dont get drunk very easily, so i tend to drink alot" reaper said.
Samson no Sam
You put something in everyones locker samson- so mark- you dont know who you gave invitations to , did you put one in my locker samson- i dont know mark noticed the invitation still in samson's hand, and as samson
Curse of the Were-creature's love - Boyfriend or Victim
"dont! he's too cute." devon pleaded. "dont you want him?" harry asked. "yes...but...i...he..." devon said sadly. "do. you. want. him?" harry asked. "yes..."
a very dark night, and scary for the dragon but he kindof got what he wanted just lots more of it
I dont see no one around from the pain again i passed out, since it was to much to handle. i felt like i woke up 1 day later.
Now, look, i dont know whats going on here, but i know i dont want any trouble, and im sure the young lady there doesnt either. so, why dont we all just relax and. relax? he snapped, cutting off the rest of the words. i dont have time to relax!
My Big Brother's Affection 2: Teach Me!!
"dont worry about it, just suck on my dick" she blushed a little, but smiled, nodding. she looked down at the pink flesh. she leaned down, opening her muzzle, letting the meat slide in.