Interlude Chapter: Character info and the story so far.
If you already know the story then this is just some filler info on characters. if you don't this is a summarization and filler info. my advice is reading the rest of the chapters before this one.
ferdinad adult version
Ferdinad though as he watched the other slink off towards their chosen destinations to gather info. ferdinad started to walk towards a tavern, when he felt other eyes upon him.
PI Isaac Case #1 chapter 4
If not, i may get more info on other clubs. maybe i should start at the gym, there is always something happening there. it shouldn't be that hard to find.
The Holy Empire of Valoria
Enjoy the info :d i will put examples of what the cities and stuff look like below so readers have a better idea of what the hell they are looking at...later >i the ruler of this kingdom or nation is snow body's character valora.
Parallel Universe: Ch 10
As a police officer, i can get info from the stations for murder cases thats related with fiends." "speaking of police officer and job," nick interrupted, "aren't you gonna be late for work?" "oh yeah!" louis started to panic.
Project Dragon-X Chapter 1
#1 of project dragon-x here is chapter one and more plot developement... and finally more info into the story.. what will happen next... xd tune in next week for chapter two...
Wolfger in StarFox 2
"ok, one, i'm not your servant to find out info about your girlfriend and the rest are up in the control room," falco answered rudely. "ok jeez falco, you need to chill," fox told falco, then turn to me and said, "oh! morning wolfger."
Road Drip [Kinktober 2023]
$40 a slot, max 3 slots, see full info in this journal (link)! faolanwolfsavor grabbed a watersports slot for kinktober this year, and i was rather pleased this one so thought it'd be worth uploading on its own!
PI Isaac Case #1 chapter 11
I needed more info about xander and the school was probably the only place i could get any. i opened the text niko sent me yesterday and jot down the names in my notebook.
Nathaniel's Mission - Part 4
When ya tell 'im ya didna get no info, oooooh 's gonna be -no good-," ruk'ti tutted and shook his head, his imp wagging a finger to heighten the impact of his master's words.
Down the Rabbit-Hole
Really hope that old badger has some info for me... even with what blakely could dredge up, it's going to be a needle in a haystack. i'll have to source those names he offered up. vet who can be trusted.
The Expedition. The Rescue. (Extra Chapter)
The titanic feline only stared for a moment, allowing his shy friend to process that info.