WtV: Asgard Habitats: Population stats

By 1980 there are a few dozen habitats settled by mostly canine uplift populations, often with only a few "pet humans" or the casual human traveller passing along to visit both the human offspring in that habitat or to provide insights and advice on both raising


The dream crossed twilight between birth and dying.

Student debts are under control, and your insight on the gene-engineering problems we encountered, will gain you serious respect. remember, the company is bullish on progress, but i'll do all i can to keep you with me, and continue your training.

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Out Of Time - Book 1: The Witch - Chaper 1: The beginning

A young dragon named gregory has volunteered to offer as much insight as he can into what his people might be planning." cassandra grins and nods. "just my kind of fun." "you are not to hurt this dragon, he is important to the timeline.


A Damsel's Potential 1

She seeks a sword for her queen, and needs the insight of tower magi in order to locate it. but the wizards won't let a random traveler inside. if only there is one way to make connections as a lovely, vivacious rabbit in a big metropolitan city?

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My life with blaziken chapter 14

Find out now -the first part of this chapter is becky, and the rest is patrick -the whole point of writing the previous chapter from becky's point of view was to give you an insight into her emotions and feelings toward patrick. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_

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The Chase

Know she found her first prey with know hyenas, insight so it was her meal. a nice juicy pig, as she herd her empty stomach grumble of the mention in her mind. nala snared as he screamed for his life as they ran up to a huge tree.

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Tik Tik's Unbirthing Adventure 2

What new insights might i gain from where i came from, from where i was first formed. how long was i inside of marcine? that is a question i could not answer on my own. while inside the womb, there doesn't appear to be any time.

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Academ: Prologue

With a rather pointed stare until she threw her arms up and scoffed, "all i did was suggest that a simple theory of magic that is held as common knowledge might be flawed and those who hold onto it as law without accepting the fact that there could be new insight

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Wanpaku's Orc Playtime

From conversations with half-orcs at the tavern wanpaku had gained some insight into orc culture and religious beliefs.

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File #1 - "Legacy"

She may be a vulcan but its unusual just how often our insights align."

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Dipper Pines: The Love Of Infinity

Now, whenever couples stare at the nightsky, they can see their love, forever bound and forever eternal, united forever in a holy orgasm that showers the galaxy with the wonders of insight and glory.

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A princely apology (prologue)

Olivian tried to look at the scroll and gain some insight on what he'd discovered. he was only met with another small shove pushing him away. "you have any idea what this would teach to the bulls? phew.

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