An ass-whoop'in to remember CH3.

Triple H beat down the Rock "I think this is mine," Triple H Howls taking the WWF title from the Rock, Owen hart walks down the ramp and steps into the ring Triple H follows he gives Owen a left hand and pedigrees him on the canvas Then pins him...

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An ass-whoop'in to remember CH2.

Austin climbed out of the ring and threw right hands at rock "And a close line from Austin," He got a steel folding chair and hit the Rock with it, the rottwilwer fell to the floor bloody Austin picked him and ran him into the barriers....

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Event 1 - A Moment Remembered

Several tears began to form at the corner of her eyes as she remembered the promise they had made that day, she couldn't even remember the year. "i hope you like the wine, my husband." ruto probed fruitlessly at the unfeeling clay figure before her.

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The Halloween He Didn't Remember

_Tong_. An old grandfather clock chimed the half-hour, and Vance flicked his eyes from the TV to the clock-face. The raccoon wiggled his nose slightly at it--eight-thirty at night, just about time for the crowd of trick-or-treaters to start dwindling...

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A Competition to Remember: Part 2

The six-digit code changed every time and it was such a hassle trying to remember it that she didn't bother anymore.

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Brandy and Jake's A Christmas to remember

Just then jake gets a brain storm and remembers brad bragging about tickets to the concert, and then how he cant make it. "thats it, we'll buy our tickets from brad." jake comments... \*two hours later\* "what???!!!"

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A few days after Zach moved in with Drake, they were invited by a neighbor to a party. Drake agreed to go and Zach decided he would join in too. The party was going to start at ten o' clock that night, so at nine, Drake and Zach started to get prepared...

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Remember summer? (part 6)

Today, I woke up when Keven jumped-up and ran to the toilet than puked. "How can you even throw-up that much?" I shouted out to him.He barely even whispered back "Greyson... I don't know" the toilet flushed and Keven slowly stumbled back to bed."why...

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Remember summer? (part 5)

Just remember, its your fault for scaring me" i said. i pulled down, the grouse flapped its wings a few times and by the time it hit the snow, its neck was broken and it was dead.

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Remember summer? (part 4)

He said "i really want to fix this place"i said "i understand""can you even remember this place?" keven asked.i said "not a bit!"

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Remember summer? (part 3)

Sure" i said "but only because it's so close"he asked "remember when this subway opened?""yeah, you best not have as much bacon as when it opened" i was probably a year before we got together, some time in the summer. 

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Chapter 3: Something to Remember

"let's give him something to remember, lea," kilyan heard ohana whisper. "yes, something so juicy he'll be pining for us!" lea whispered back.

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