The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Nineteen
"okay," the sphinx agreed warily, rising to her feet. "should we go somewhere, or...?" "no," he answered, "sit down. we should talk about this where the others can hear."
The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Twelve
If you haven't already, i recommend you start by reading the slayer and the sphinx. chapter twelve **(porter)** the woman took a hesitant step forward, her hand over her mouth. "porter?"
Lonely Oak Chapter 76 - The Woods
The sphinx's eyes were so strikingly yellow. they were refreshingly familiar; the eyes of a friend. "tutty." she murmured, as the sphinx passed her. she closed her eyes, and spread her arms and legs to catch the wind.
New Found Fecundity
Mickie moaned softly as the sphinx withdrew her shaft. her mistress grinned and patted mickie on the head, rubbing her behind the ears. "good girl, michelle," the sphinx purred, "now as promised...."
The Gryphon's Goal: Chapter 4, Part 4
A moment later, larry and his mother were sitting by each other in front of the sphinx. "after asking larry a series of questions i've come to the conclusion that he is an exceptional person. however, i have determined there is nothing wrong with him.
The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Ten
#11 of the slayer and the sphinx porter and sarah continue their journey-- and droma's coming with them! there's a human town nearby he says they will have to go around, but sarah is curious.
Gentle Predators
Eventually sphinx slipped up, and the houndoom bucked her into a wall, using the force to leap towards cain, teeth bared. in a flash, kabutops was there.
Outsiders. Chpt 4.
Jayden asked, far too surprised as he took the pretzel from some sort of sphinx, that had a lion's face rather than that of a human. "of course. everything here is!" the sphinx replied, eying him wearily as he looked him up and down at his costume.
Taming the Wilds Chapter 13
Russell didn't have a chance to answer the drunken king, as the amazonian sphinx woman was already leading him away.
The Protector and the Peacemaker: Chapter Nine
If you haven't already, i recommend start by reading the slayer and the sphinx. chapter nine **(tick)** "tick, it's time to wake up."
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Forty Six
Also featuring a sneak peek at my upcoming story, the slayer and the sphinx! chapter forty six i stood and stared at stark for a few seconds, my hackles raised. his growl still echoed in my ears, chilling my blood.
Love Lost, Chapter 11a: Excesses.
"a boat called the sphinx almost six months ago. i've been living la vida beach bum all summer, until captain gil called my hotel room and told me to visit the museum and check out its library today.