Journal of the One-Eyed Dragon Entry 9

A fresh, young ass like that, widowed? he's mourned far too long. i told him not to worry and had him sign our contract of work, telling him to not worry of the formality or coin. i assured him it was cheap.... it was an easy enough task.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon, Bannihar's Milestone 1b

"and now dani is a widow!" one of the survivors called, "the gryphon killed her husband!" "enough!"

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Rakish Rakeesh #1

Duchess gavira, while a widow, had several children who would, in time, take her nest and place as some of the most powerful strigian nobles in the city.

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Demon!, Chapter 2

I had changed him into a male black widow spider, just like the tattoo that had been on the back of his head when he was human.

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Death's Blood Ch. Six: Inside The Smoke

I am all too familiar with what the venom from a black widow spider can do t-you. there was a breeder interested. so, i bought one o' them, knowing of its venom. i relied on only 'er to guard my wares.

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High School Transformation: Ch 1 Ed

Just as he opened his locker to grab the gold and purple uniform, he suddenly felt something like fingertips graze along his jet black hair, causing his widows peak to fall over slightly. reaching up, he felt something and looked at it.

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The King's Contest

The three had heard the royal decree of the great king of parthia- he was a lion without an heir, long since a widower, very old and unable to produce a son, and about to pass away.

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War Paint

"vixen's glow" would amplify the red in her fur, "black widow" would make her nose more ebony than the darkest night, a "venus' sword" razor for the white ear fur- everything so painstakingly and meticulously organized (though not as meticulously researched

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Lonely Day

Open another widow and go to, search for lonely day and listen to the song as you read that part of the story. it won't be as good if you don't!!! there will be more story soon!!

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Fate or fiction?

After that i never felt any pain, remorse, or pity that i leave my mate a widow. but a feeling cold enough to numb the pain, and warm enough to amplify the vitality i have left.

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Red Barchetta

But the eccentric old coyote, who seemed to dote over daniel as though he were an adopted son (he himself was childless and widowed), had summoned his cousin for some reason, presumably to look at what he had been guarding.

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You Only Live 18 Times - #4 (SpyJirra)

The widow who had opened up her hut for the stranded sailor was a gentle soul, and wears-only-ropes owed her much. she decided then that she would stay here for a while longer.

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