Night of the Weredonk. Panic on Campus
Cried out one of the team members from the locker room.
Tate takes the team
Suddenly the sound of running water slashing on hard tile filled the locker room, and the boy's looked around. "well there is one sure way to find out."
Taking the Monster in the Showers
#2 of diary of a skunk i looked around the locker room one last time to make sure it was empty, really empty. it never does to take chances when you're taking chances.
In My Wildest Dreams Part 11 The Waiting Is the Hardest Part
From the exertion of carrying me down to the locker room, he was starting to sweat a little. laced with the sweat were dominance pheromones, and they were becoming stronger by the second.
Chapter 3- Savior
Everyone ran into their locker rooms. dante and kellan slowly got up and waited for the rush to settle down, then made their way into the locker room. dante went to his locker and kellan went to the pe office. mr.
Chapter 1- Painful Memories
He opened the door to the gym and walked in, quickly crossing the floor to get to the locker room. his school required that students in the 5th and 6th grade dress-out for physical education.
Worth Fighting For
Nathan simply nodded, crawled out of the ring, and started walking for the boy's locker room. "yeah a shower sounds great."
The Post-Game
It all comes out in the form of gay, locker room blowjobs. "fuck!" he yelled, his thick voice resonating even above the sound of his racket crashing against the metal of the locker.
Papa Polar Commish
Polar hadn't said much since the locker room. "you sure your ok polar?" chris asked, "your acting a little off you know?" always so caring and sincere.
Coach's Special Play
Ruby stayed in the locker room through his gym class crying to himself trying to understand why his coach keeps doing things to him.
The Hunter (NinjaV Gift)
#1 of other gifts in which a seemingly-ordinary locker room becomes a hunting ground, for a predator of uncanny capability. and here we have a little thing i made for a friend of mine who goes by "ninjav."
Eric's Locker (Part Un)
A sharp cry would echo through the empty locker room, followed by the metallic swish of a door swinging back and forth on its hinges. "god damnit!"