Witchcraft, A Solution Prepared

A yellow tallow candle sat next to her in a stand and its flickering flame revealed the red panda's tears as they trailed down her cheeks.

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Witchcraft, A Costly Accident

Speaking of soho, the red panda's voice could be heard over the odd singing plant, coming from the next room.

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Devil Seed Ch.11

Devil Seed By Gemma the Ice-Wolf 11 West Los Angeles Saturday 5:42pm It was quiet inside the old apartment building. The only light available was from the cracks and spaces of the boarded...

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Devil Seed Ch.5

"she's a red panda. and a cute one at that. she has these red stripes that go down her cheeks and a patch of white over each of her eyes." "in other words the second member of our quartet may not be single for much longer." "i don't know man.

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C&C Chapter 1 ~ Tents Are Not Just for Camping!

He slowly and cautiously walked over to the sleeping red panda, and on the tent flooring to unzip the sleeping bag. he did so, and pushed the blanket like covering aside, seeing the sexy skirt jeff was wearing.

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A Throwup and Pieces

His narrow fingers eased between the red panda's pert cheeks, smearing max's own pre against the tight pink rosebud nestled under soft fur.

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Horizon: Rebuilt Chapter 8

Horizon held her hands under a faucet streaming frigid water over the bizarre object that had both caused her immense trouble and saved her life multiple times. She stopped the stream for a moment to examine it again. It was a perfectly smooth metallic...

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Horizon: Rebuilt Chapter 9

Snow was a regular occurrence on Surtr, once a month the frigid moon would slip behind the gas giant Surt and the whole moon would be hidden from the sun for a full day before its orbit would take it back towards the light. When the long night came...

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Aaugh. Life returns with pain. Cramps and a headache. It's mostly quiet but I hear some of the guys moving around the frat house. Opening my eyes shows me one of the coffee tables so I must be on the couch. Body feels...

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The Otaku and the Good Boy 2: Maybe Girlfriend, Maybe More (Commission)

The red panda had been requesting his company a lot, and not always to torture him in the most sensual ways.

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The Otaku and the Good Boy (Commission)

"i didn't-" the white furred finger of the red panda pressed against his lips. "shush," she whispered, dangling the key over his head, "or i might have to keep you quiet another way."

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What's the Matter with Oswald?

I turned back, and saw a red panda in my face with a badge, red and blue sirens in the background. "roderick powers?" gina asked. "fbi. you're under arrest."

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