A Quiet Moan
She had never felt quite like that before, antsy and flustered after an erotic dream, her head adrift in a sea of emotions she knew to be impulsive, irrational, pointless.
Deep Space
They were going to leave him adrift in a dead ship..! 'those robots have been dealt with, sir.' announced one figure, buzzing slightly when he spoke.
Tooth And Sweet: The French
So we're just going to set you adrift on my old skiff," he paused for a second and placed his paw over his heart, smiling, "my gift to you. with any luck and a bit of wind you'll come upon an island or get picked up by the spanish or someone.
The End: Chapter 20: Murder, Myths, and Meilo.
It was these eyes that caught my gaze as i approached, and he, adrift in the depths of his mind, seemed completely unaware of my presence. "dad?" i called, confused. my voice seemed to shake him from his thoughts and he turned to me.
TFA!-The Second Round
Ironic; here he's about to take a dip in the water that he would have been floating adrift in if not for- no no, don't think about that. it's best not to incite pain in someone who doesn't deserve to be hurt.
A Second Night with an Angel
He huddled together, adrift amid the choking covers of dark face of the moon. tfa closed his eyes and let himself drift away. "i did my best, it wasn't much i couldn't feel, so i tried to touch" the angel's ears instantly perked up.
Take A Ride
adrift in that sea of fog, his only companions in the haze were evals and his need. reality flooded back to him with the opening of his eyes.
Freelancers, Chapter One
I ended up with a hole blown through my left side and my ship adrift and hemorrhaging air. i thought i was hosed. and _that_ was before a geth ship dropped into normal space right in front of me." "keelah," lia said softly.
The Human Species Ch.11 - Prehistoric Tomboy Kabuta
Zerobi said, before putting extra effort into her pronunciation, "adrift upon the barren plateaus, i wander endlessly... protecting none but myself... and fighting no one but the wind." "... that's poetry?"
A Night to Remember
Glitch grinned wider, before slipping through the crowd, leaving the mog momentarily stunned to find himself adrift amid a sea of unknowns. more than likely people from other campuses, or outside friends of the host's.
And then i was adrift. i was lost in the dark, swirling in a thick, wet sea of live, liquid canine tongue. i was squeezed and rolled like a jolly rancher. it stank to high heaven of dog. and it felt... it felt _gorgeous_.
Magical Mayhem Sorecerous Familiar Chapter twenty-two
._ \* \* \* the five of them stood on an island of rock adrift in a vast sea of nothing. it was all that remained of the world kurotama had created within the akashic records. and even that was slowly being washed away.