Rebirth Prelude

All of our major programs hinge on the birth rate, from food production to space exploration; it's been the overpopulation of the colonies that make them possible.

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Evokation / Epilogue

The world had been ravaged as never before... and cherry personally thought the mortals were better off living in their colonies, at least until the smoke cleared and grass started growing again. hell, too, was quiet.

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Prologe-A New Gadget

. * * * its been six months since the space colony ark was utterly destroyed. the rivals agreed that the space ship should be demolished to seal the chaotic creature inside. they also agreed to never speak of it again.


Snake Charm

But not everyone accepted the new ways, some small colonies remained outside of civilization and enjoyed the peace once known by all the serpent shifters. it was from one of these colonies that amber was born into.

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Those Who Soar. Chapter 4

Eden bombed the colonies to keep ycs a secret. we probed deeper, and found that we were meant to be used as a weapon, we would be used to take the remaining planets in sol. to take valhalla... the largest human colony outside of sol.

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When it came time for their first colony mission.

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Legend of the Justicar Act 1/Part 1

It had been almost a full year since arjun was stationed on orion star base that's single purpose was to ward off any pirate or slaver attacks on nearby colonies, but the odd chance that a warlord would get bold enough to attack a valor colony directly would

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Patience and Chill (Otherwise Untitled)

I am in orbit over the abandoned mining colony tenpro, in a damaged walkabout suit. mayday. mayday. requesting assistance. colony tenpro, suit damaged. ship is de-orbiting in pieces. mayday. mayday. colony tenpro. request assistance."

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First Job

Or at least, that's the plan for it; most of the colonies on that world are still fairly young, not even as old as the mara colony."

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Chapter 5

"yes i also think you would be interested to hear which colony they are going to attack." "really?" "yes it's new arcadia." "seriously?" "i'm afraid so please pretor the colony will fall if no help will arrive."

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Witch Hunt

Outsiders in their own village, these three poor, illiterate new englanders were not well-liked in this highly-superstitous, theocratic puritan colony.

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