A Night Under the Stars...

Firenze whickered softly in pleasure, his big hooves shuffling as he pranced in place. it was a dance the wizard had made him do a thousand times over their relationship.

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Cold Comfort #1

Cold Comfort The sleek well dressed Lion close the folder, and leaned back in his big leather office chair. Glancing at the decadent jeweled Rolex...

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New Flavor...

Tomas grasped the sheet and pulled it back slowly, revealing big hooves and long powerful equine legs. it was when the crotch was revealed that the surprises started! there was a big fur less pink scar, where the jock's hefty scrotum should have been.

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Con tails 08

"we can relax with a few adult beverages... except for hooves." "i've got abit of the green fairy that's oh so delicious."

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Super Stallion gets snipped...

Instantly she was on her hoofs and flying into his long powerful arms. the iron horse as some tabloid newspapers had nicknamed him, held her gently as she kissed him.

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RainFurrest 09

hooves was intoxicated... but not that intoxicated! "that is i don't do..." hooves tried to explain as the grinning vixen knelt down beside the bed and rummaged around under it. "don't worry i know what you like..."

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Bustin' the Righteousness League

Bustin' the Righteousness League The big black Panther sat back in his office chair, staring at the monitors that lay before him. He yawned and stretched as his body pushed against the tight Grey night watchmen uniform he...

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Governor Pussy

Governor Pussy Captain Norric eyed the silvery white Unicorn suspiciously, the sleek equine was sweaty and smelled vaguely of rut. But he was entirely to happy and clean scented for someone the Governor had just finished using. The Captain knew from...

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Servicing Daddy

Gloryhole Daddy 2 "Enjoyed that did ya..." That gruff voice leered... making Darrow jump as a big semi hard cock was shoved through the hole. "How about ya return the favor then." Darrow cringed in shock and horror as that...

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Yiffing the Cube...

A gelatinous cube looks like a transparent ooze of mindless, gelatinous matter in the shape of a cube. A gelatinous cube slides through dungeon corridors, absorbing everything in its path, digesting everything organic and secreting non-digestible...

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Gloryhole Daddy...

Glory hole Daddy It was a shabby little aquamarine coloured building set a dozen or so yards back from the street. Time and bright sunlight had faded it to a pale ghost of its former colour. It was just a few hundred yards from the...

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