Corruption Story: NOT on Vacation
The demon's voice was surprisingly mild, jonathan thought, but he knew it meant nothing. the demon could be as dangerous as the prince of hell himself, no matter the voice.
Kupo's Odd Encounter
A soft "mmmf" comes out of jonathan's mouth as wolfbat seems intent on keeping his knot inside his newly claimed butt.
A Trainer's Tale - Chapter 11
Breaking out of the tall grass, jonathan was standing there and waved at us towards him. he was holding up what looked like a door. as soon as we were inside, jonathan shut the entrance behind him.
The Suit
Somehow jonathan had convinced her to go to the party in costume where she was a big hit.
Blue and Gray - Chapter 6: Ghosts on the Ohio
jonathan didn't move. emily didn't move.
Sound Asleep
Holly was 16, a year younger than jonathan, but she hadn't yet started to quite develop, her chest only slightly mounded. jonathan looked around, knowing what was expected of him.
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 20
Meanwhile, bertha returns home just before jonathan arrives. jonathan tells her that his parents want to meet her.
Chapter 3: Fighting Fury
jonathan sat down as maylene sprinted off again through the hallways to destinations unknown. soon enough kate and the attendant walked out of the hall to his right. "well jonathan, it seems that you are approved to fight with maylene.
A Night in Tranquility
One frame stood on the end table beside me, looking closer i could see it was jonathan and trevor playing in the river read. jonathan was helping his younger brother into the water, teaching him how to swim in the gentle and forgiving current.
A PROPER Proper Fusion 2: Bursting Boundaries
Finally, jonathan nodded, and they talked contracts. it didn't take long for jonathan to pull out the difficult assignments.
A Trainer's Tale - Chapter 19
jonathan nodded at his words, and the man nodded, stepping in front of jonathan and leading the way. confused, i kept my questions to myself. what bothered me was that we passed our seat area already.
jonathan typed. "cocoa fantasia" was the response "no, your real-life name." "rebecca martinez and yours is..." "jonathan southall" "pleasure to meet you, then.