Standing Divided: Prologue

Upon further investigation, it was discovered that the tyrusiens had reactivated shipyards that had been dormant since the tyrus and earth war and was now producing starships at an alarming rate.

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Azure Phoenix, Chapter Seven

"you know, the amaka shipyards are in alpha centauri..." "ah," i replied. "i take it you want to go visit your sisters while we're there?" "and my mum." there was another pause. "and i want you to come with me."

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Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 15

Trillian was still set to retire, a black mark against his name but that would only go into effect the moment the _ranger_ docked at the blackwell shipyard for her decommissioning ceremony.

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Blackfur's Legacy

Beyond the shipyards to the left was a warrior training ground, where all three shapes of people practiced in their particular armors, weapons and in some cases, mounts. their height allowed them to see into every alley of the shipyard.

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Midline Shift 13 - Post-Concert Discretion

A position no greater than a supervisor of a shipyard." "was that the same dock i was fighting at?" asked fg. "no.

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Expedition: Into the Breech

My duties at the gaia shipyards have severely limited my opportunity to attend wargames so..." "i have faith in admiral williams, serafine." the draccian interrupted. "she, in turn, has faith in you and so, i have faith as well.

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Fly to Hell (part 1)

It drowned out all the other noises of the shipyard. "we'd best hurry, ma'am." the cub told her. "that was the 686's final boarding horn."

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Ascension into Slavery

The nearest elevator connected to a military shipyards was the vienna one, which made it his most likely destination. assuming that he hadn't already been taken to the other side of the planet. the trip took ten hours in total.

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Children of Earth - Part 6

Human ingenuity had gone into creating the armor and metals used to make the ship, the rodenberry shipwrights and shipyards had created the design and built the ship, and the dwarves had given them superconductive biomechanical technology to aide in the rapid

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We found another colony, a large world, a shipyard, highly defended. our fleet took heavy casualties assaulting the world, but our superiors held fast. we triumphed, eventually, but at such a cost. we lost many good men.

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"Family Tails" - Chapter 39

There are also two locations in washington state in the cities of seattle and tacoma, with plans for another shop in bremerton near the naval shipyards.

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