Initial Survey of Quaisholm Cave Paintings, Origin Unknown, presumed Upper Mesolithic
It was reasonable, to be sure, it was understandable to fear the spirit world and the spirits that dwelt there. spirits were unknowable and invisible and worked in ways none could understand.
Heartkeeper: Chapter 2
But it was not long before it became evident that not all of the tenders gathered were in good spirits.
Heartkeeper: Chapter 1
And in time, they reconnected with the spirits of the animals whose lives had to be sacrificed for them to survive. they met once again the guardians of each forest--the spirits of river, tree, and rock--and became one with the world around them.
Love Since Forgotten
He could not help but be surprised at how moist this area was, it was as if she was not a spirit at all.
Shandow Manor(Commissioned by Deiser and pappagobbastoppa)
For a spirit to possess a human being takes a lot of strength, something that the spirits here were severely lacking in.
Sir Wolfie. A Tale of two Kingdoms. Part 1.
It had taken wolfie staring into the prince's eyes and breaking his spirit until he bowed enough to agree to it, but he insisted on carrying arms so should they be ambushed he could leap out and fight alongside his protectors.
Chapter 2: Good Enough
I jolted awake from that awful dream, tears streaming down my face and my heart was beating like I'd just ran a marathon. I buried my face in my hands and let the tears keep coming, if I didn't I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. Over the past few...
Aaru - Chapter 6 (The Hall of Ancestors)
In this chamber, the spirits of the first k'tan reside for eternity." tau'ruc explained. "so why are you here?" i asked curious as to why their spirits are still here after two millennia. "that's complicated." he chuckled.
He Who Would be Master: Chapter 4
"the dust you see, those are... proto-spirits?" ezra hazarded. "what spirits come from, evolve from. the primordial akasha."
The Minotaur and the Snake Prince
His radiant life given to their gods, but his spirit, his semi divine spirit, that would linger... and he hated, he was mad with hate and grief and, guilt...
He Who Would be Master 13
Especially from the bubbling, giggling spirits there.
Warm-Up 2: The Salacious Spirit
Up and down the spirit bounced his body, making him sink that candle deeper and deeper into his feathered rump. loud moans burst from his beak, and he blushed, one reaction that the spirit couldn't stop.