Borrowing Some Features
It's not like doxial lets a speck of it hit the ground without having a minor panic attack." nbowa cast his eyes inside in a dodging glance and rubbed the back of his mane with an open palm.
Through the Cracks - With Dreams, With Drugs, With Waking Nightmares
"i remember i was in high school, when i saw a study about how certain frequencies of sound, below most people's audible range, can cause you to become afraid, to feel like you're being watched, even to have panic attacks.
Lost & Found
Her panic attack, unfortunately, had to go on hold as she felt something rub against her leg. looking down, there was a third cat, and then a fourth.
Part Timer #1
Fearing a panic attack, i grabbed my backpack and dashed out of the classroom and into the nearby bathroom. "fuck, fuck, fuck!" i growled, turning on the sink. "shit...!" i splashed from cold water onto my face, getting my face fur soaked. "ugh...
Zootopia AU :: Warmth ::
Watching his friend have what he assumed was a panic attack, he turned just a bit to look back and see the vixen coming down their side of the street now. "good afternoon officers, i hope you two aren't getting into too much trouble today."
The terrified bunny, that was barely able to make it through the day without a small panic attack had began to settle into his new life. he was also, if somewhat slowly, getting over his fear of the basement.
Maison du Blaireau
"i will explain all to you, but i can't do that wiz you on the verge of a panic attack, alright? just try to relax." the ghostly badger heard deep, exaggerated breaths.
Paladin of The Dark Sun, Chapter 4: New School, Old Feelings
"wha-" "i think she's having a panic attack," kaelyn said with real concern. **\* \* \* \* \* \*** "yeah, we heard," called out a human male in the back left corner of the room.
A happy end? Or just the beginning?
Another panic attack? but why? we already had sex earlier. but this time drake does not stop on my reaction. quite the contrary, he tightens the grip around my shaft once again.
Mirror, Mirror... - Into the Unknown
I don't want to have another panic attack and hurt us." then this weird tingle came over me and her eyes widened dramatically. "you... you just geised us!" she exclaimed.
You Break it You Bought It
You two went to see a movie, something that happened triggered a panic attack. " her eyes darted to the cell phone at the moose's side as she continued, "what happened between the time you left the house and got here is on you.
Dead Years
The panic attack hit on the way home. i sit at my table now alone, sipping coffee, drifting in and out of analytical recollection. i feel fine. no, i shouldn't undersell it, i feel good. maybe that's wrong of me.