A Dragon's Awakening - Chapter 3

The gods of that time, setting aside their petty squabbles, banded together to banish this creature to the void. the void itself is just that, blankness. there is no light, no dark, just nothingness."

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Tribal Stream Story 2: Potion of the Warrior

This was the way of the future, apparently, and if he didn't take it, he would be banished. that was the other part that the chief had mentioned; they were to listen to the shaman or risk banishment.

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Teaser - TLK: The Compromise

He faced banishment if the king ever found out. once a royal pair was wed, the female was totally off-limits to any other male. simba could never have kiara and kovu could never have nala,_particularly_ in her heat.

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Accursed Dragon: Guardians of the Four Seasons(TEASER)

After coven is banished to the realm of shadows following the events of the infernal dragon. he is rescured by the mysteriou lord of time.

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Our Thrall

To desecrate this place of worship is to declare yourself free of your god, and we must continue to banish him from this realm lest he attack with all his might." stripes took a deep breath.

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Aquata Cove - Chapter 32

Never has he ever felt so vulnerable and terrified to be in the water, than when he was banished.

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What Colors Are You Feeling? - large poem

It will banish color. no good comes from grey. if you're feeling chipper, then maybe you're feeling yellow. yellow for a good day glowing bright like the sun. orange is a curious color. full of anxiety and full of stress.

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Dreamscape[prose poetry]

There are no stars above this sky, as the mountain has banished them long before _you_ ever arrived. the moon burns like a second sun, the stones speak in whispers, and a great feeling of dread hangs in the atmosphere.


Star Wars: Dark Mandate - Prologue

The jedi noticed this, their banishment only aiding their rise to greatness. the jedi noticed that their formers not only survived, but grew, and this scared them. using the might of the old republic they attacked, but the sith endured.

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Fanfiction - MLP: Tranquiline's Trial by Fire (chapter 2)

It soaked her inside her suit, it banished the moths - and it slapped her butt so hard she screamed. and then it finally banished the heat.

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The Fruit Fly

She rubbed her eyes and ran her hands over her ears, trying to banish the memory of the koala's cock swelling and shooting into the squirrel's eager mouth. she squeaked softly and finally started the car.

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Early Morning Wake-Up Calls

Maybe her snoring mate would wake up and banish the blues from her heart. she didn't want to wake him...work would come soon enough, and he needed the rest.