Stripes and Chains 13 - Pleasure and Punishment

#15 of stripes and chains character are (c) me setting is (c) dragontalon "how did it happen?" kelsura's inquiry was crisp and sharp. the orange dragoness, copper hair pulled back for once in a pony tail half charged half marched into her office.

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Corporate Food Chain - Ch. 2

The long-procrastinated second chapter of corporate food chain! this time, featuring a cameo from popyoyo90!

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Corporate Food Chain - Ch 1

Eric Small stood outside the front door of Greene and Union Technology, where he'd wasted the last three years of his life with nothing more to show for it than he'd come in with. Even the couple raises he'd received didn't keep up with inflation. The...

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J Baby meets Mr. Chain

chain to be ready to release him. he jumped up with excitement when mr. chain walked into the living room. he excused himself from the other cubs who were playing video games. he bounced over to mr. chain who caught him in a hug.

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The Chains of the Blood, chapter 2: Isolation

The chains of the blood­­­­­ by: thorne­­­ collaborators: hoshiginiro []( dorian longstreet [](

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Chain of Memories: Part 2 - Drowned

_THe Following Story Series is Adult in nature and may contain themes of sadness, suicide, depression, drug use, alcohol use, and may sometimes contain adult scenes of a sexual nature between two consenting adults that will sometimes go outside the...

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Bottom of the Food Chain (vore story)

Though, i suppose that is the natural order of things for a small thing like me, sitting at the bottom of the food chain..." confused though he was, muno couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the term 'food chain'.

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Aljistar's Auto-Biography

**chapter four: walking into the dusk** the quill dipped in the ink pot one more time before starting on a fresh page: 'chains in darkness. chained to darkness.

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Oneshot - Auctioned off

I pulled on my chains, but i had no chance to escape from this situation .....

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Abandoned #2

Running the entire length of his body was another chain, from his collar down to his feet, and the other chains were linked directly into this longer one.

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Bull Milk

Shuddering as it happened, his hands, already cuffed behind him, were deftly locked to the back of the seat via the second set of rings and a short chain. the front of the skirt started lifting.

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He cried out in shock as a great chain burst out from the fissure, the sound of metal clinking could be heard as the chain snaked and twisted around.

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